CH. 21

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Wednesday, January 9th
9:30 PM

I walked into the bedroom, looking for Klaus. And there he was, packing a duffel bag. Hayley standing right next to him. I raised an eyebrow, "Um, hi. Am I interrupting?" I asked, holding the door, not sure if I should stay or go.

"No," Klaus said, "Hayley asked to leave with us."

"Oh?" I frowned, shutting the door behind me now.

"I need to get away," Hayley said. "There's nothing left for me in New Orleans. So... If Klaus goes. I figured we could go together, that way Hope has both of us."

I nodded slowly, "And you think that's what's best for a toddler? Nonstop moving?"

Hayley frowned, "Well, I had an idea on where we could go."

"Hayley, why don't you leave Dani and I to discuss all this?" Klaus suggested.

She nodded, leaving the room and sliding past me with an awkward grimace. Klaus then sighed heavily, gesturing to the bed. "I see you're packing," I said.

"I meant, let's sit and talk."

I crossed my arms, "what's there to talk about? You've made up your mind, right?"

He scoffed, sitting down on the bed, "Love, I don't see another choice."

"Klaus Mikaelson runs?" I questioned. "I know you've told me about your old tales, but that was then, this is now. You have a whole life here—"

"You think this is the first time I've had a life?!" He cut me off, seemingly outraged as his voice raised.

I sighed, taking a seat, "No, I know it's not. You're mad, I'm mad... I don't want to leave."

"I have to leave," Klaus said softly, scooting closer to me. I didn't move as he caressed my cheek, "It's not safe here. We can't fight them all."

I sighed, "I understand."

"I assumed you'd come with me."

I flinched, gently pushing his hand off his face, "I am not the type of girl who goes on the run. From anything. I don't wanna wear down my heels—"

"Really, love?" He chuckled.

I smiled sadly, "I'm serious."

Klaus frowned, "You don't want to come with me? Or you won't come regardless?"

"Klaus..." I whispered. "I want to be with you—"

"Then just be with me."

"What about the house? My dog? My friends moving in this weekend! And Hope? We don't know how long we'll be gone. I start school back up in—"

"I don't know how long either, Danielle. But please, come with me. If we're not back... You can return for school. Without me, if need be. Or we can settle somewhere else. Back in Wisconsin if you'd like."

I ran both my hands down my face, milling it over. As much as I hated the idea of packing and leaving with no plan, I hated even more the idea of being apart from him. I'd worry constantly about his safety, wonder where he is. And if Hayley and Hope go with him... There's not much left for me here. His siblings will be too busy trying to fix this problem. Once the white oak is gone, we can come back.

"Fine, I'll go," I groaned, dropping my hands.

"That's the spirit," Klaus said sarcastically.

"I have to call Brooke and Ethan. Tell them not to come. Then I have to pack, ugh!"

I'm Entirely Yours, Klaus (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now