CH. 8

448 16 39


Wednesday, October 10th
9:00 PM

I held out a drinking glass, cringing as Klaus squeezed his bleeding fist over it. He was healing that bite he gave Elijah. Both men were sitting at a round table, which I stood next to. They were both covered in blood, clothes ripped apart. "You both need a shower," I commented.

"What are you, our mother?" Elijah teased, looking over at me.

"Speak for yourself, brother," Klaus smirked, grabbing hold of my hip with his feet hand. "If my baby girl wants me to take a shower, I'll take one. Of course, I want you join me, love. I have blood in hard to reach places."

"Broken up, remember?" I quipped, smacking his hand from my hip and pulling the full bloody glass away as the bleeding finally stopped. I placed it on the table, sliding it over to Elijah. "Alright, boys. You're both alive and it's late so I'm going to head home."

"Why don't you just stay the night?" Klaus suggested.

"No. I have school in the morning," I replied. Klaus sighed heavily, tugging me with both hands now. I plopped down on his lap. "Really? Klaus."

"Baby girl, please. Just stay," he insisted.

"No. I have school, I don't want to, and I want to leave now," I repeated. Klaus groaned, wrapping his arms around my midsection and hugging me tight. "Let go of me, Klaus."

"Freya's home," Elijah commented.

"Stay, let's talk to Freya," Klaus whined in my ear. "How am I supposed to make things right with you if you're never around?"

"You're supposed to be down on your knees, begging me to take you back. It's called groveling. I don't need to be around, you need to be chasing me down," I retorted.

Elijah chuckled and Klaus shot him an annoyed glare. His older brother, quickly pressed his glass to his lips. Freya finally appeared in front of the three of us, looking the men over with wide eyes. "May I ask what happened?" The blonde woman questioned us.

"We had a little chat about the past," Klaus shrugged. I wiggled on his lap, which only caused him to hold me tighter.

"I politely informed Niklaus that I'm not his enemy. And though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us, a fact that required a little bit of gentle persuasion," Elijah explained the rest to Freya.

Yeah, turns out Tristan and Lucien are working together. Today, Marcel had people follow Tristan around. After lunch with me, he retreated to the 'Candide Royale' and he never came back out. So Marcel informed Elijah that the building has hidden passageways, which they agreed Tristan was using to get somewhere else. Marcel figured out the where. According to my roommate, bootleggers used the passageways in the 20s to run booze to a secret storehouse on Dauphine. And the storehouse was bought by Kingmaker Land Development, which is owned by Lucien Castle.

Kingmaker Land Development was also the company that was responsible for killing wolves in the bayou. Granted, Elijah handled that on Hope's birthday. But it was still odd. What was Lucien up to with buying land in the bayou and a place to secretly meet Tristan?

"And so I reminded our brother who angered them in the first place," Klaus said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"And after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?" Freya asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"That we expose and destroy our first-sired," Elijah answered.

"Couldn't agree with you more. You see, gentleman know when it's time to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction," Klaus grinned.

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