CH. 13

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Wednesday, November 28th
2:45 PM

I held Klaus' hand, leading him upstairs into my 'dream' house. He was finally getting to see it, and I currently couldn't tell if he liked it or not. My realtor, Jessica was here. She was following us quietly unless Klaus asked her a question. But she was letting me do all the talking. More like nervous and excited rambling.

"Don't you just love this railing?" I smiled, running my hands along it. There was enough room for a seating area in the hall between the stairs to all the bedrooms. Klaus gave me a confused look like I was a total weirdo. "Would you just tell me if you like the house or not?" I whined.

Klaus chuckled, "I've only seen like 40 percent of it, Danielle. Most of my time will be spent in our bedroom, can I see that first?"

I blushed, nudging him with my elbow, "first let me show you the bathroom up here, then what I think would be a nice room for Hope and then there's two more rooms. I was thinking they could be guest room for your many siblings until... we have more babies."

Klaus raised a brow, halting from following me to where I stood, opening the door to the bathroom. "Get back here, baby girl," he beckoned.

I bit my lip and waltzed the few paces to where he stood near the top of the staircase. His arms wrapped around me, tugging me into his chest. "What?" I whispered.

"I want this house full of children," he whispered back.

"This house?"

"If you can see that future here for us, Hope, and at least two more—"

"I can, I can, I can," I interrupted. "I want this house. There's two backyards! A guest house you can use as an art studio. Look, this bathroom would be for the kids, cause I always thought that was such a cute idea. And the master bedroom? It's lovely but the en suite is absolutely stunning. The bathtub is in an alcove, it's like a sanctuary. Of course, we have to do some remodeling... the black tile is—"

"You want the house. I want you. So, I love the house. I'm buying the house. Just promise me I can make love to you in this house the second after you sign your name on the deed."

"I want to make love now," I grinned. "Oh, my god. I'm getting a house!"

I jumped on Klaus who was clearly expecting it. He held me tightly as I wrapped my legs around his waist. "You are officially the most expensive woman I have ever dated," he said.

I kissed him deeply, my good hand slipping into his soft hair. "I fucking love you," I cursed, tugging his bottom lip with my teeth. My attention turned to Jessica who was coming up the stairs finally to join us. She had excused herself to take a phone call. "Jessica, we're buying this house!" I screamed joyfully.

Jessica gasped before grinning, "Really? Wow! Yay!"

I jumped off of Klaus, moving to Jessica and hugging her. "Get the paperwork started. I'll have every penny by the end of the week in the seller's hand. And I want the keys in Danielle's," Klaus said, talking over our squealing. "Love? Dani? Hello, Danielle?"

"What?" I laughed, looking over at him. "Yes, baby?"

"I want to arrange for movers this weekend, or no later than next week. Is that okay with you ladies?" Klaus sighed, giving us both a pointed look.

"Yes, I'll call my office and the seller and get this moving, right away," Jessica assured.

She hurried back downstairs, her phone to her ear. I walked up to Klaus, grinning. "You don't know how happy you just made me," I said.

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