CH. 27

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Thursday, January 24th
4:16 PM

I paced the window frantically. Hayley had leaped away only minutes ago because she saw someone break in to the study. Freya was doing her spell in the study. My worry only grew as I saw bodies slithering around the compound, making their way to surround the place.

Elijah was wrong. The vampires were entering. Freya's name on the deed did not hold up. Or something had happened to her. Goosebumps littered my arms at the thought. Yes, I was mad at her. It's her fault Davina was sacrificed. Her idea and her pushiness! That was the catalyst to Marcel'a rage which led to his death by Elijah. She set this all in motion and I blamed her for that. But I didn't want her dead. She and I could get over this. First she had to be alive.

"Aaaani!" Hope yelled out for me. She was in the living room. I slowly pulled my eyes from the compound, ready to check on her. "Ani?!"

The second call was more curious, wondering if I had left. Physically no. Mentally. Completely checked out. Was I delusional or was that Marcel himself standing underneath my window, in the small two way streets between the apartments and the compound.

My heart pounded. When I blinked he was gone. Yet, every fiber in my being willed it to be true. That it was real. My friend had lived. He had... he'd have to have taken the serum.

Dread filled me then. That was the only way he could have survived because Elijah pulled his heart clean out. It still gave me nightmares. I gulped as all the pieces came together. He took it sometime before Klaus and I paid him a visit in his loft. It was in his blood when Elijah murdered him. His death would have triggered the serum, making him an original like no other.

"Ani? Ani?" Hope sobbed, afraid I was gone. I snapped out of it and rushed to comfort the toddler because that was all I could do. I couldn't leave her alone. And running into the compound would be a death wish. Vampires I didn't know were there. Ones out for Mikaelson blood. And one whiff of me, along with Klaus' need to protect me, would make me a target just for sport.

I had barely coaxed Hope when a bang came to the front door and Hayley came barreling through it with Freya being supported by her shoulder. I picked up Hope and put her in her crib, giving her, her favorite toy swan.

"What happened?" I asked as I rushed to help Hayley lay Freya on the couch. The former was covered in blood, from her face to all over her shirt. And Freya could barely stand.

"She was cut on the neck with a poison," the hybrid filled me in.

"The Prophecy is coming true. This is the day Lucien said would come," Freya panted, forehead swearing profusely. She looked sick.

"No. There has to be another way out of this. Especially with your magic," I frowned, panicking for the boys across the street. "Did I see Marcel?"

Freya nodded. Hayley bit into her wrist and then held it out to Freya, "Here, drink. It won't cure you, but it will help you. Lucien has an antidote to the poison in his penthouse."

"Yes, that was Marcel," Freya said breathlessly before looking between Hayley and I. "Even if I was cured, the power I used to fight Lucien, it's gone," she stated, scared with wild eyes that matched her wild hair. "There's nothing that can stop Marcel now."

"There might be one thing," I said. I knew my friend. He had to still care for me. But I wasn't enough to stop him. He knew what it boiled down to for me. Nothing would keep me from Klaus. I wouldn't choose anyone over him.

"You have a plan?" Hayley smirked. The two of us had awkwardly talked when we were alone for the last couple hours. We decided our friendship was too important to let the likes of Klaus and Elijah come between us. So, beside the awkwardness when it came to those two at times like this, we were fine. Back to being besties. "I know that look."

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