CH. 9

394 16 18

Friday, October 12th
2:25 PM

I grunted as the whole right side of my body was thrown into the boxing cage. "That's my woman you're throwing around, Marcellus!" A loud roar came.

"She broke up with you!" Marcel retorted.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to see Klaus entering the gym. He kept his promise. That he would see me the next day. And hopefully the next after that. "Hi," I greeted Klaus shyly, waving at him.

"Hi, gorgeous."

I blushed and was ready to say something when Marcel's heavy arm wrapped around my neck. Klaus instantly glared. "What are you doing here, Klaus?" Marcel asked.

"Finding ways to spend time with Danielle," he answered. "Not that I owe you an explanation."

"Well, it is my gym."

"Guys," I interfered, taking off my boxing gloves now. "Marcel, Klaus and I are fake dating other people. So currently, he's sneaking in here to spend time with me to find a way to make me take him back."

Marcel scoffed, dropping his arm from around me. "You two make me sick."

I gave my friend a shove in the chest before heading to the door of the cage. Klaus met me at the steps, offering a hand. I took it thankfully. I had this giddy feeling in me. I wasn't expecting to see Klaus today. Especially not here. I mean the last month of our breakup, he's just been giving me absolutely too much space.

"Does he know you bruise easily?" Klaus asked me.

"Does it matter?" I quipped.

"It matters to me cause I want to kill him for hurting you," he said, yanking me forward so I crushed into his chest.

"Ow," I whined.

"See," he retorted, placing a hand to my ribcage. "Bruise one." I hissed as he pressed on it. "I could kiss it better."

I blushed, stepped away from him, "I'm fine."

"Really? See me in the cage."

I raised my brows in disbelief, "You want to fight?"

"What else are we going to do in this gym? I'm down for shower sex or making out against the changing room lockers..."

"Klaus!" I laughed.

"What? Aurora is not looking for me in here," he said. "So, I'll stay."

"And we have nothing to do but spar? Okay then."

I turned back around, getting into the cage. Marcel across the room gave me a thumbs up. It wasn't crowded today thankfully. I turned back, expecting Klaus to follow me in. However, he was still outside of the cage. Except he had kicked off his boots and was removing his shirt. My breath caught in my throat as he revealed his creamy skin.

Oh wow. It was like in slow motion. The happy trail, the abs, the pecs, the tattoo, the dangling necklace on his chest. My hands balled into fist as my entire body tingled. I took deep breaths in and out. Calm down, Danielle. It's nothing you haven't seen before. You're still mad at him. He lied... for months! He kissed another woman just yesterday!

He's so hot, he's so hot, he's so hot. Klaus got into the cage, raising a brow at me. "Do you want me to go easy on you, love?" He smirked.

"Really, pretty boy?" I retorted. Klaus gave me a bored look, but didn't reply. Marcel came over, tossing in a pair of boxing gloves to Klaus, shutting the cage door behind us. I grabbed my own gloves off the floor where I left them. I got into stance, "I'm ready."

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