CH. 2

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Thursday, September 6th
1:13 PM

I rushed through the courtyard, carrying my school things in one arm and shopping bags in the other. It had taken me an hour to get home after my classes because I had stopped at a boutique to pick up a few new dresses.

"Hey, hey, hey. Sorry I'm late," I apologized to Freya as I was passing by her in Hope's nursery. "Let me just put my stuff away."

"Hi!" Freya shouted out.

I raced to my walk-in closet/makeup room to drop off my things. Then I hurried back to check on my baby girl. "Hey, why are you getting in so late?" Freya asked me while I scooped up Hope from the ground where she was playing with blocks with her auntie.

"Hi, princess. Did you miss me?" I cooed, kissing her cheek. Then I looked at Freya who was getting to her feet. "I did a little shopping. I need something new to wear this weekend," I answered her questioned.

"Oh, for the art gallery?"

"Yes," I answered.

"That's nice," she said with a smile and an hopeful expression on her face.

"Is it?" I scoffed. "Klaus and I are barely talking."

Freya's face instantly crumbled, "At least you're not fighting."

"Not fighting, not talking, not having sex," I sighed.

"Too much information," Freya joked, laughing half heartedly. I hated that we put her in the middle of our ongoing 'not fight.' But it wasn't my fault. Klaus was the one with a secret and he's the one who asked her to keep it. Besides she could have said no. She could've told me what he's been up to save us all from these ongoing passive aggressive days.

"Well, did Klaus say anything about going to yoga with me after therapy?" I asked Freya, changing the subject slightly.

"No, he didn't mention it. Sorry."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, I'll take Hope for now. I have clothes to try on. If he comes looking for either his daughter or I, please tell him we're in my room."

"Okay," she said.

I then carried Hope with me to my makeup room. Once there I put Hope in her playpen and then fished out my dresses from my bags. I held them up for Hope, "which one do you think, Momma Dani should wear?"

Hope held onto the edges of the playpen to stand up. I dangled each dress in front of her, waiting for her to reach towards one. "She isn't talking yet," a voice came.

Startled, I turned around to see Klaus entering my room. "What are you doing home?" I frowned in confusion, surprised.

"Hello to you too," Klaus smirked at me.

"Hello," I replied. "You got home fast, didn't you? Your therapy session ended at 1 o'clock. It's a twenty some minute drive and you're here what? Twenty minutes exactly after one?"

"If you must know, we ended our session early," he explained. "Now are you going to kiss me hello or not?"

I rolled my eyes, "Not."

"Well, are we going to yoga or not?"

"Not," I repeated.

Klaus scoffed, walking across the room to me. Only he went straight for picking Hope up. The one year old squealed with delight, slapping her little hands to his cheeks. The two shared a couple adorable kisses. "What are these dresses, new? You go on another shopping spree with one of my credit cards?" Klaus questioned, nodding to the two hangers in my hand.

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