CH. 14

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Tuesday, December 25th
3:30 PM

I was wincing as I watched Freya throw up. She had channeled Finn. It didn't work. She still wasn't strong enough. "Ugh! I can't do it. I can't focus," she gasped for breath for a moment.

She moved away front the trash can as Jackson entered the room. "Everything okay?" He asked.

I shook my head, crouching down next to Freya while Elijah who had given Freya his jacket was now putting it back on. Jackson came to the other side of the witch, placing a hand to her forehead. "She's burning up!" He exclaimed. He looked between Elijah and I, who didn't immediately jump at his observational "I guess a hospital's out of the question?"

"A hospital won't help her," Elijah answered. "What I was trying to say, before Danielle, I reached Klaus. He knows what's going on. He was out with Camille handling a situation with that detective. Lucien compelled him—"

"He's with Cami?" I interrupted.

Elijah nodded, "they're headed to Lucien's to raid his condo for an antidote for both Freya and Rebekah. Let's hope he finds something."

"I got the muskroot," Jackson stated. "Did Hayley get the—?" A large crash from downstairs came suddenly, alarming all four of us. "Where's Hayley?"

"She went to check on Hope," I answered. "Who is with Rebekah."

Both men shared a look. Before either could chase after Hayley, Freya began coughing again. I grabbed the trash can just in time for her to spit up a mouthful of blood. I covered my mouth, holding back a gag. She was dying and this was disgusting. Klaus better find the antidote.

"You two stay with her, please," Elijah said.

Jackson nodded for the both of us. Elijah was gone in a flash. "What do we do?" Jackson asked me.

I shrugged, "wait for Klaus. There's nothing we can do if he doesn't find the cure for Freya. She's too weak in this condition to save Rebekah."

Freya continued to throw up blood and after a moment, I told Jackson I was going to check on Hope. I could hear a commotion outside the study and was sure the adults were preoccupied. I stepped out onto the balcony, glancing down to see Rebekah fighting Hayley and Elijah. The blonde winning somehow as she snapped her brother's neck.

"Rebekah!" A roar came just as Rebekah shoved her hand in Hayley's chest. Klaus was walking through the courtyard with Cami behind him. In a blink of an eye he was in front of his sister and baby mama. "Not her."

I held my breath as he carefully forced Rebekah's arm down, releasing Hayley who was gasping for breath. I sighed in relief. Cami rushed to Hayley's side, tugging her away to put distance between the girls. But that seemed to be a bad idea as it got Rebekah's attention and she lunged for the fellow blonde.

"Not her either!" He shouted, annoyed, grabbing his sister by the arm and yanking her away. He then slammed Rebekah onto the table.

"The cure?" I called out.

Klaus spared me a glance, as did the women below. He made a hand gesture at Cami who held up a black briefcase. Hayley took it from her before running up the stairs towards me. "Aah! Dear, sweet Cami. You're so afraid that you'll ruin her, you keep her behind glass like some breakable object," Rebekah spat, finding the strength to jump up from the table with Klaus struggling to hold her back. "She's not precious, Nik. Every woman that you and Elijah bring into our lives turns to poison."

Rebekah stopped only to laugh as Cami ran out of the courtyard. "She'll grow toxic, too," Rebekah said before her eyes landed on me. "Just like Danielle."

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