CH. 28

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Thursday, January 24th
10:55 PM

"We're having a baby," I repeated for a second time. This time less nervously and excited. But unsure and worried as Klaus' brows were nearly brushing his hairline. He hadn't spoken or reacted otherwise in the passing minutes. "Um... Klaus? Hello?"

"Y-You're pregnant?" He questioned, finally coming around to the news. "Why didn't you tell me earlier. Danielle... Oh, my God." He groaned loudly, dropping his arms from my waist and running his hands through his hair our of frustration it seemed.

"This isn't good news," I mumbled, a sinking feeling in my heart and stomach. Maybe we wouldn't be tying the knot after all. Not if this was his reaction. The first time around was heartbreaking enough.

"No, no, I'm not mad at you," he sighed. "I just... You're finally pregnant, again, and I'm about to abandon you. This isn't what I wanted... How can I leave you? How could you let me?"

"I begged you not to go," I pointed out, smiling sadly. "I'll get through this."

"Alone?" He scoffed. "I don't want that for you."

"I'll have Hayley," I shrugged. "She and I got through her pregnancy, I'm sure we can get through mine without a hitch. I'll be alright. I swear."

He closed his eyes, "I'm so sorry."

I reached out to rub his arms, "Hey, this is not your fault. These circumstances..." I paused to closed my eyes. "They suck! For sure. But I cannot wait to have this baby. We may be apart but I am carrying a part of you inside me. Which is more than just words to say I'll carry you with me in my heart."

Klaus frowned deeply, placing both hands on my stomach, "A baby?" He questioned, looking up at me. Tears welling in his eyes. Oh, this is the reaction I wanted. A wobbily smile coming onto his face as I nodded my head. My own vision blurring with tears as well. "Oh, boy, girl. I don't care. I cannot belive I'm having another child."

"Believe it," I laughed softly.

Klaus lowered down onto his knees, hugging my waist. "I love you, child of mine. Daddy may not be around for awhile, but I will love you forever. And one day, I will hold you. I will make up for all of my lost time. To you, to your big sister, and to your wonderful mother. You be good to her."

I smiled, covering my face with one hand while my other was burning into his soft hair. He remained that way for a few moments before getting back to his feet. "We're running out of time. It's not or never," I said.

"You still want to marry me?" He asked seriously.

"Without a doubt," I answered, pecking his lips. "I want to be Mrs. Mikaelson. Today. I don't want to wait another minute."

"At least we won't have out child out of wed lock," he snorted.

"You're ridiculous."

"Ridiculously happy," he said, smiling. "I know this road we're about to take is going to be a long and hard one. But I am eternally grateful for you. Danielle, I love you."

"The prove it. Marry me," I grinned, wiping my eyes carefully. "It's time."


Thursday, January 24th
11:26 PM

"You may kiss your bride," Mary announced.

Klaus didn't hesitate to swoop in. His hand holding mine dropped as he snaked his arm around my waist, pulling me into his chest while his other hand cupped the back of my neck. His lips pressed hard against mine, kissing me with a newfound purpose. I didn't hold back returning the passion, the fervor, or the longing. This was out last moments together.

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