CH. 4

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Sunday, September 9th
1:45 PM

It's been a busy morning. After consoling Klaus to the best of my ability, he went to take a shower. It was a really long one too. While he was in there, I helped Hayley and Jackson pack some of Hope's things.

It was only a couple hours later that they had got the apartment. It wasn't much but it was their home. Husband and wife and baby. They'd make it work. I knew they would. Elijah and I helped them move. Then we left the three alone. Hope cried when I left but prolonging the inevitable wasn't a good idea. Better for her to adjust to having her mother and Jackson back. And seeing Freya, Klaus, and I a little less. God did it hurt to leave her there. They were practically strangers to that little baby, in a new place. Hope was a semi-fussy baby, she did not like change. I was worried for her.

"Love?" Klaus called.

I snapped out of my train of thought, looking at him in question, "huh?"

"The coffee pot is empty."

I looked down at the pot in my hand then at my half filled cup. I sighed, putting all of it in the sink. I couldn't focus. My heart hurt. "I'm going out for coffee. Want anything?" I asked him.

"No, love. I'm meeting Elijah and Freya for a spell."

"What spell?" I questioned, meeting him in the kitchen doorway and taking one of his hands in mine. "Should I stay then?"

"Elijah spoke to Lucien. He's doubtful. We're going to have Freya do a spell to verify the accuracy of the seer."

"I'll stay," I decided, getting in my tip toes to peck his lips. Things were tense. But I was here for him. We were going to get through this. It was the 21st century, many people co-parent. "I love you."

"I love you too," he sighed softly, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I'm okay, baby girl."

I nodded slowly, unconvinced. "Let's go see Freya." I took his hand and headed out into the courtyard to find both of Klaus' older siblings gathered at a table. She was lighting candles and Elijah held out a bowl towards us.

"Bleed into this bowl," Elijah instructed Klaus. Then he held out a small blade to do so.

I took the bowl, Klaus took the knife. I winced as he cut all the way across his palm. "If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system. If there's a weapon that can kill you, we need to know," Freya said while Klaus made his hand into a fist, bleeding into the bowl I held.

I gave the bowl over to Freya and grabbed a towel to hand to Klaus. His hand was healing but there was still a mess of blood to clean up. "You know... I thought you were mad at me," Klaus whispered, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and tugging me close so his mouth pressed to my ear.

"I can be mad at you for one thing and worried about you for another," I said, pursing my lips. Klaus chuckled and I smiled, rolling my eyes. Matter of fact was, I loved him too much and my worry would always trump any of his petty grievances.

Our attention was pulled to Freya as she began chanting louder and the table rattled underneath her. Her hands were in the bowl of Klaus' blood, here eyes closed, and her ear bleeding. "Freya? Stop!" Elijah shouted.

"Freya?" I tried, placing a hand on her arm.

She continued on and on. All the candle flames flicked high at the same time, giving a wave of heat. Freya gasped, her eyes open wide. "It's true. You have a terrible shadow over you. Rebekah, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, and one... By family," she informed us all before even looking to see our three faces.

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