chapter twenty

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Yuri and Minju waited patiently for getting Yena's condition. It's been an hour Yena was in the surgery room.

Chaewon walk to them. Yuri and Minju turn and Minju stood up.

"How's Yiren?" asked Minju and Chaewon lowered her head. She sighed heavily and shook her head.

"She's dead. Her condition is too bad and the doctor couldn't save her."

answer Chaewon and they look at Yuri. Yuri immediately stood up and her tears fall down.

"W-What? Y-Yena.." call Yuri and crying again. She scared if the same thing happen to Yena.

Minju shushed her gently and hugged Yuri tightly. "Yuri ahh.." Minju and Yuri broke the hugged.

They saw Yuri abd Yena's parents walking fastly to them. "M-Mom.. Dad.." call Yuri and Mrs. Jo hug her.

"What happen? How's Yena?" ask Mrs. Choi worriedly as her tears keep falling down.

Yuri shook her head. "We still don't know, m-mom.. It's been an hour since she was in the surgery room."

Mrs. Choi almost fell off but Chaewon and Minju immediately held her tight. "God... Please save Yena.." mumbled the old woman.

Suddenly, the door was opened and a doctor running out from the room. They all looked at the doctor and yet, the doctor come with another experience doctor.

"Doc, how about Yena? Is she okay?" ask Mr. Jo and the doctor stopped.

"I'm sorry, we cannot tell yet since the condition is very bad. We will try our hard." say him and closed the door.

"Y-Yena.." call Yuri weakly and she fell off. "Ehh Yuri!" Mrs. Jo and Mr. Jo gripped Yuri tight and they hugged Yuri's body.

"If something happen, I want you know that I love you so much, Joyul. Remember that. Hmm?"

ask Yena while held Yuri's face. Yuri feel weird with Yena's action but she still nodded.

"I know that. What's wrong Yena? You made me worry."

Yena smile a little before she shook her head. "I'm okay, Joyul.." reply her.

Yuri crying so hard when remember the scene. She scared if Yena leave her alone.

Yuri tighten her grips and she burst her face into Mrs. Jo's neck.

3 hours is passed but they still don't know Yena's condition yet. Yuri and Mrs. Choi still waiting patiently.

"Yuri, Mrs. Choi.. eat a little. We buy some breads and drinks for you guys." say Chaewon and handed them a plastic bag.

Mrs. Choi took it and smile a little. "Thank you, Chaewon.." Chaewon smiles and nods.

"No, I don't want to eat or drink. I will wait for Yena."

"Yuri... at least cover your stomach with this bread. You need an energy."

persuade Mrs. Jo and Yuri still shook her head. "N-No.. I want Yena right now. I want to know her condition. If she okay, I will eat."

everyone sighed hearing that. "Okay, if you don't want to eat, drink this. Okay? Please.." Mr. Jo handed her a drink.

Yuri looked at the drink before she slowly took it. All of them smiled.

Suddenly, the door was opened and the doctor walked out from the room. Everyone stood up quickly.

"Doctor, how about Yena?" ask Yuri immediately. The doctor sighed.

"Her condition was so bad and we try so hard to save her. Gladly, she saved. But now she's in comma and she's critical."

Yuri crying happily hearing that, at least Yena is saved now even she's in comma. She hugged Minju tightly.

Minju also crying happily, same goes with Mrs. Choi.

"Thank you so much, doctor.. so, can we visited her?" ask Mr. Jo.

"For now, it's one person who can visited her since she's still in comma." answer the doctor.

"Thank you so much, doctor.. Thank you so much.." say them and bowed to the doctor. They bowed to each other before the doctor walked leaving them.

"You should go inside first, mom." say Yuri to Mrs. Choi and smile with her tears still falling down.

"No, you first. I know you must want to see Yena so bad."

"B-But mom.. You first. You are her mom―"

"And I know Yena must want to heard your voice first."

Yuri silent. Mrs. Choi held Yuri's hands and gripped it tight. "Go. Go and see Yena. I'm literally okay."

Yuri quickly hugged Mrs. Choi tightly and burst out her tears. "Thank you, mom.." Mrs. Choi nodded.

YURI now was standing beside Yena's bed, her tears falling down nonstop.

Her heart ache at the sight of the many wires attached to Yena's body and face.

She slowly held Yena's hand and bites her lower lips. "Y-Yena.." call her weakly.

Yuri then crying again. Her heart hurts seeing Yena's condition like this.

"I'm glad that you are saved.. Even now you were in comma... I still feel so relieved.. baby.. Please wake up fastly.. I already miss you.."

Yuri held Yena's cheeks and caressing it gently. She still crying and lowered her head.

"P-Please.. wake up quickly, ducky.. You must don't want me wait for too long, right? So p-please wake up... Okay? Everyone was waiting for you. Your mom really miss you."

add Yuri and she smile bitterly to Yena. Then, Yuri can see Yena's tears slowly fall down rolling on her cheeks.

She quickly wipes it away softly.

"I miss you so much, ducky.. I miss your voice, I miss everything about you. I miss you so bad. No wonder your heart feel not calm earlier.. Because you can feel I'm in danger.. Thank you so much, Yena.. for saving my life. Once you wake up, I will give you my kisses.. so please wake up.."

Yuri then look at her watch and smiled again.

"Dear, I have to go now.. The times is up. I will come here again tomorrow. Bye, Yena.."

Yuri kiss Yena's cheeks for a couple of minutes before she pulled out the kissed.

Yuri out Yena's hand propely before she went out from the room.

Yuri closed the door and she went closer to her and Yena's family.

"I'm done." say her and all of them turn around. Minju stood up and wrap her arms around Yuri's shoulders.

"Are you okay?" ask her and when Yuri was about to answer, suddenly she fainted in Minju's arms.

"Yuri!" call them and Mr. Jo quickly catch Yuri's body. He hugged his daughter tightly.

To be continued..

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