Chapter 01

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Nobody's Pov


Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.


Sadness is an emotional pain associated with, or characterized by, feelings of disadvantage, loss, despair, grief, helplessness, disappointment and sorrow.

Those two emotions were the only thing that Stiles Stilinski was feeling at this very moment.

It was because of a regular pack meeting that basically ruined him.


Stiles had a feeling that something was wrong. It was a gut feeling, and his gut feeling was never wrong.

He got a message from Derek, his boyfriend of nearly two years, telling him to come to the loft for a pack meeting.

It seemed like it was serious. Stiles could tell just by looking at the message itself. 

He knew that something was wrong and he just hoped that it wasn't anything too bad.

The last thing he wanted for one of his friends to be hurt.

He knows that Derek can handle himself, but he just hopes that he's alright and nothing happens to him.

Little did he know, he would soon regret that.

So right now he was driving to the loft, inside his precious jeep. His pride and joy. 

He loves his jeep, probably more than Derek and everyone else, and if something were to happen to it there would be hell to pay. Everyone knew that.

Finally after driving for a few minutes he made it to the loft.

For some reason he had this feeling in his stomach that something bad was going to happen.

Almost as if something or someone was telling him not to go inside the loft and head back home. Almost as if he were to avoid a disaster from happening.

He shrugged it off, thinking that it was probably because he was tired that he was starting to hear things.

He was so stupid to just shrug off a feeling like that.

When he walked into the loft he was met with nothing but silence, which was unusual and quite concerning. Normally when he entered the loft, pack meeting or not, he was met with a bit more chaos. Especially from Peter, Liam, Theo, Isaac and Malia.

Those four acted like siblings from time to time. And Peter acted like their father. Which is ironic considering he is Malia's father.

When he was inside all he saw were a few of the pack members sitting either on the couch or on chairs.

The only ones that were standing were Peter, Liam, Isaac, Malia and Kira.

Just by looking at their faces he can tell that they were angry. Not at him. But at the others.

Kira was holding onto Malia's arm, which meant she was trying to hold her back from attacking someone. He guessed Derek considering her eyes were locked on him.

Jeez, what did Derek do this time to make her angry?

Liam, Theo and Isaac were standing next to each other. Liam and Isaac glaring at the rest of the pack members looking like they wanted to attack them at any given moment. Theo was glaring at the other pack members too, but he was also trying to calm down the two other boys.

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