Chapter 42

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Stiles's Pov

For the first time in my life, I'm happy to go to school.

The reason being I want to see Luke, my boyfriend, and just hug him and hold his hand as we head to class together.

I swear everytime I refer to him as my boyfriend this giddy feeling courses through me and I love it.

I woke up early this morning in order to take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast and be out of my house to head over to school.

Dad watched me the entire time with nothing but fondness and amusement in his eyes.

After telling the others about Luke and I being boyfriends I told my dad after they had left.

And, as expected, he was really chill about it.

Actually, no, let me rephrase that.

He was ecstatic to learn that Luke and I were finally dating.

Nobody's Pov

"Dad, I need to tell you something" Stiles said once he walked into the kitchen.

After his friends had left Stiles knew that he needed to tell his dad about Luke.

His dad deserved to know that he was in a new relationship and that he had a new boyfriend.

The same way his dad deserved to know about Derek when they had first gotten together.

The thing is, Stiles was hesitant and scared to tell his dad about his relationship with Luke.

Mainly because of how he reacted when he told him about him and Derek.

It's fair to say that his dad didn't take it well. He was literally yelling and threatening to send Derek's ass to jail.

Not only is his dad protective of him but he really, really, disliked the Hale man.

Which is why he's worried as to how he'll react to him and Luke.

Stiles hopes he reacts positively because he loves Luke and, even though he's still a little worried about being in a new relationship, he doesn't want to end things.

Noah stopped what he was doing, which was washing the dishes, and looked at his son with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't do anything stupid, did you?" Noah asked.

"What? No" Stiles told him.

"Good. I really don't want a headache" Noah sighed in relief.

Stiles huffed and rolled his eyes while his dad laughed before turning off the water.

He dried his hands before tossing the rag aside and gave his son his full attention.

"What's up, mischief? What do you need to tell me?" Noah asked.

Stiles bit the inside of his cheek, clearly hesitating to say anything.

But he knew he had to tell him one way or another, he can't keep it a secret.

So, he took a deep breath and when he calmed down he looked at his dad.

"Let me start off by saying that I love you and I know you love me. All you want is for me to be happy and I hope you still stand by that statement" Stiles said.

Noah frowned, getting worried.

"Stiles, are you ok?" Noah asked.

"I am. But what I need to tell you is something important and I'm just worried you won't take it too well" Stiles said.

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