Chapter 13

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Stiles's Pov

Going back to the mall might seem like a nightmare for some people.

Which, in a way, is understandable. Especially if you're not a fan of shopping.

But honestly, I had no problem going back to the mall, I won't lie when I say I have been searching for new clothes to wear.

And of course, the mall is just the place I need to go to get what I want.

When we arrived at the mall the only things we took were our wallets. After all, we need money to buy what we want.

We all stood next to each other and walked inside the mall, smiling.

"So, what should we do?" June asked.

"I don't know. But, it's quite obvious that we all want to look around to see if there's something we want" Jake said.

"Agreed. We're already here" Luke added.

"And we've all got our wallets" I added, holding up my wallet in my hand to prove my point.

Olivia chuckled slightly before nodding her head in agreement.

June giggled before an idea popped into her head.

"I know. Why don't we split up? We can look at whatever stores we find interesting and get what we want" June suggested.

"Great idea, sweetie" Olivia smirked, kissing her cheek.

June blushed but smiled nevertheless at her girlfriend.

"Well, if we're going to split up, I rather go on my own" Jake said.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"I'm mainly trying to find some notebooks and a new mug. Besides, I rather be alone than with the lovey dovey couple" Jake deadpanned.

June rolled her eyes while Olivia scoffed.

"Fine with me. It just means that June and I can spend more time in the dressing rooms" Olivia smirked.

Jake's eyes widened in disbelief while Luke let out a bark of laughter.

I snorted at the bright blush appearing on June's cheeks.

Olivia...she just looked proud and completely unbothered by what she had just said.

Honestly, good for her.

"Oh god, I didn't need to know that" Jake groaned.

"Oh, well, should I also tell you about the time we-" Olivia started, only to get cut off.

"We're leaving now! Bye!" June yelled.

She quickly grabbed Olivia by the hand and dragged her away, ignoring the laughs coming from her girlfriend.

Jake groaned more and rolled his eyes before leaving.

It was just Luke and I.

"Well, looks like it's just us shopping together, love" Luke smirked.

"Seems like it. But, wait, what exactly do you need?" I asked.

"To be honest, nothing, but if I were to get something it would be a new leather jacket" Luke shrugged.

"Don't you already have 25?" I sarcastically asked.

"Adding another one to the collection won't hurt" Luke smirked.

I...I honestly should've expected that.

"Whatever. I'm looking to buy some new clothes, maybe, just maybe, change my style a little" I smiled.

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