Chapter 10

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Stiles's Pov

The time I spent with the mall with Luke, Olivia, June and Jake has been amazing. Absolutely amazing.

The stores that we went to had everything that we liked and wanted to buy. We even bought a few accessories we thought would like nice on us.

And can I just say that we left those stores with lots of bags.

Well, all of us except Olivia, it's not really a lie when I say that she dislikes shopping.

She only helped June with the bags since she figured they were heavy, given that June picked out a few more items then me and the guys.

Right now we were walking around, trying to find somewhere we can eat before we had to leave since the mall's closing soon.

"Hey, lets head over to McDonalds. I don't know about you guys but I could really go for a burger" Luke said.

"Sounds good to me" June nodded.

"Same here" Jake nodded.

"I don't care, I just want to set these bags down, eat and then get the hell out of here. I'm tired" Olivia groaned.

"Same here, these bags are heavy" I groaned.

This is the last time I ever buy this much stuff from the mall.

Well, that may be a lie, but whatever.

We all walked to McDonalds and walked inside. We looked around and fortunately there were empty tables available.

We walked towards the nearest table and sat down.

Luke, Jake and I sat down on one side while June and Olivia sat down on the other side.

None of us wasted time in setting our bags on the ground, sighing in relief as we slumped against our seats.

"Well, it's fair to say that we're tired" Jake said.

"Wow, thank you for stating the obvious" Olivia sarcastically said.

Luke and I snorted while Jake glared at her. Olivia flashed him a sarcastic smile before wrapping her arm around June's waist.

June sighed at her girlfriend's sarcastic reply before laying her head on her shoulder.

"Well then I suggest we get our food and leave once we're done" June said.

"Agreed" all of us said.

"Well, I've got some of my energy back so I'll get our orders. You guys want the usual?" Jake asked.

"Yeah" Olivia, June and Luke nodded

Jake nodded his head and stood up, but before he could get on line he looked at me.

"Stiles, what do you want?" Jake asked.

"Uh..." I trailed off.

I'm not sure what I wanted. Normally I'd have my usual order whenever I come here with my dad.

But today I just felt like getting something different. You know, change things up.

"Uh, just get me whatever Luke is having" I shrugged.

Jake hummed and nodded his head and turned around and walked away to head on line.

If I had seen his face before he had turned I would've seen the smirk plastered on his face.

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked at Olivia and June. They were both on their phones but they were still by each others side.

I smiled slightly at them before turning my attention to Luke.

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