Chapter 16

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Stiles's Pov

When we meet up with the others Luke and I didn't tell them anything that happened.

By that I mean we didn't tell them that I ran into my shitty ex-boyfriend and his girlfriend.

Or tell them that I ran to the bathroom crying like a heartbroken idiot while Luke rushed to comfort me and help me feel better.

However, I blushed bright red when I saw that Luke and I were still holding hands.

I only then realized that we had been holding hands when we exited the bathroom.

Olivia was the first one to notice it and a smirk appeared on her face.

"Ooh, did something happen while you two were alone?" Olivia teasingly asked.

Well, yes, but it's not what she's thinking.

"Damn, Luke. You work fast" Jake grinned, winking at him.

I blushed bright red and buried my face into Luke's shoulder, feeling embarrassed and shy.

Which is ridiculous because I'm not one to get embarrassed let alone shy that easily.

Luke let out a huff before wrapping his arm around me, holding me close as he gently rubbed my hip.

I heard Olivia and Jake groaned and picked my head up, just in time to see them rubbing the back of their heads.

And in time to see June glaring at her girlfriend and her friend.

"Shut up, you two. Can't you see you're making him uncomfortable" June scolded them.

Thank you, June.

I know I can always count on her to keep Olivia and Jake grounded.

Mainly Olivia, given that is her girlfriend.

"And we weren't doing anything other than looking at clothes and stuff" Luke butted in.

"So why are you holding hands?" Jake raised an eyebrow at us suspiciously.

"What? Friends can't hold hands" I asked in annoyance.

I ignored the pit in my stomach when I referred to Luke as a friend.

Especially when these emotions are running through me and somehow, someway, I see him as more than just a friend.

Whether I want to admit that out loud or not.

I also ignored the way that Luke flinched when I referred to him as a friend.

"Yes, friends can hold hands. It's very common" June added.

Again, thank you, June.

Olivia rolled her eyes before making her way to stand at her girlfriends side.

"Whatever. Come on, lets get something to eat and then we can go home. I need rest" Olivia said.

"Sounds good to me. I think I saw a restaurant nearby" Jake nodded.

"You mean that one?" I asked, pointing at the restaurant that was a few feet from where we stood.

"Yep" Jake smiled.

"Come on then. Lets check it out" Luke shrugged.

I nodded as the two of us, still holding hands, walked in front while the others walked behind us.

However, Luke and I stopped in our tracks when we saw two familiar people walk towards the restaurant.

Derek and Braeden.

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