Chapter 41

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Luke's Pov

"Yes! Finally!"

I rolled my eyes at the first thing that came out of my sisters mouth after I revealed to her that Stiles and I are together.

After mine and Stiles's date, where we finally made it official, I drove us home the next day.

We decided to stay at our date spot and just enjoy our time together by ourselves without anyone around.

Don't worry, I had Stiles text his dad to tell him that he wouldn't be home until the next day.

I don't want his father getting worried.

Anyways, Stiles and I enjoyed the rest of our date before we decided to call it a night and slept on the ground on top of our blanket.

We cuddled together with Stiles wrapped protectively in my arms with his head resting on my chest and his arms around my waist.

We slept perfectly which was as expected since we were with each other.

That's all we really needed.

Anyways, we had woken up at around 6am and ate what was left from our picnic before deciding to leave.

I dropped Stiles off at his house and we kissed each other goodbye.

I didn't leave until he was inside and once he was inside I got into my car and drove off to head home.

I was still a little tired so when I made it home and got into my apartment I was going to head straight to my room and get a few more hours of sleep.

But that never happened.

Because the second I stepped foot into the apartment Liv grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the living room.

She shoved me onto the couch before plopping down next to me and demanded that I tell her everything that happened.

And I did.

Because if I didn't no doubt my sister would've slapped me.

So when I told her everything, literally everything, she was absolutely ecstatic.

Which was, honestly, as expected.

"It's about damn time you grew enough balls to not only ask him to be your boyfriend but to tell him that you love him" Liv smirked.

And, honestly, I couldn't find myself to glare at her.

Because she was right.

Believe it or not but I was really nervous and hesitant to confess to Stiles that I loved him, the same way I was nervous to tell him that I wanted us to be boyfriends.

I've never really been with anyone, at least with someone in a serious relationship, to tell them that I love them.

I've never really grown attached to anyone, for that matter, to grow to love them.

The only people I've ever said those words to were my grandparents and Liv.

Which is s expected since their family but you get what I'm trying to say.

With Stiles it's so different, a good different, and I just love that I love him and I love that I get to tell him that.

And now that we're officially together, I'll get to tell him that as many times as I please.

He needs to know that I love him, always, so that way he knows that no matter what I am not leaving him.


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