Chapter 32

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Stiles's Pov

School was the same as every other day.

We were all given tons of homework and it was all due tomorrow. That absolutely fucking sucks more than anything.

When the bell rang, signalling that school was over, we all got up from our seats and gathered our things.

Everyone had already left the classroom, just leaving the five of us.

"I can't believe we're given ton of homework and are expected to have everything done by tomorrow" Jake scoffed.

"I know, what kind of bullshit is that?" Olivia gritted her teeth, clearly angry.

June sighed and held onto her books, leaning in to kiss her girlfriends temple.

"Relax, sweetie. We'll get through it" June softly smiled.

Olivia huffed and held onto her books, leaning her head on June's shoulder for comfort.

Luke rolled his eyes, fondly, at their interaction before standing up from his seat.

"Well, I say we should work on homework together. That way we can get this shit done faster and have plenty of free time later" Luke suggested.

I nodded in agreement.

"Agreed. We'll get everything done faster and we can spend the rest of the day however we want" I smiled.

Luke smiled at me and kissed my cheek, causing me to blush while smiling more.

We're not even a couple, yet I love how he's so affectionate towards me. I love when he kisses me either on the cheek, the forehead or the temple.

None more than when he kisses me on the lips.

Especially our first kiss.

"Well, I definitely don't want to spend the entire day doing homework. So I say lets do it" Jake nodded.

"Same. Homework isn't something I fancy doing the entire day" June nodded.

"Agreed. I want to spend the rest of the day cuddling with my girl while watching movies" Olivia said.

She wrapped her arm around June's waist and kissed her on the nose.

June smiled softly at her before leaning closer to her side, leaning up to kiss her cheek.

I smiled softly at their interaction while shaking my head fondly. Luke and Jake copied my actions.

"Well, since we're all in an agreement, we should work on our homework at mine and Liv's apartment" Luke said.

"Agreed. We have more space" Olivia nodded.

"Which is surprising considering June and I live in the same building, our apartment is across from yours..." Jake trailed off.

"Yet, our apartment has less space while yours has more" June finished, a deadpan expression plastered on her face.

Olivia chuckled while Luke shrugged.

"Not our fault. Besides, the owner said that those were the only apartments available" Luke said.

"Not to mention Jake literally snatched the first set of keys he saw" Olivia rolled her eyes.

Jake rolled her eyes and flipped her off, causing Olivia to glare back at him.

June, Luke and I shared a glance and we rolled our eyes while sighing.

When we made sure we didn't leave anything, that we had all our stuff, we left the classroom and began walking down the hallway together.

"Look, back on topic, we should do our homework at Olivia and Luke's place" June said.

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