Chapter 05

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Stiles's Pov

School is weird, it's always been weird and for multiple things.

But for me, it's the new kids.

Now you see, I have nothing against them, considering it's their first day here and they're just trying to be familiar with everything here. Not to mention they seem pretty cool.

But I have a few issues with that Luke guy.

For example, as soon as his friends and sister sat down he would not stop looking at me.

I would catch him staring at me the entire class. I would take quick glances just to see if he was still staring at me and he was.

It's not like his stares made me uncomfortable or anything. It just confuses me.

Why would he stare at me the entire time? Do I have something on my face? Does he not like me?

However, I don't think he doesn't like me.


Because whenever I caught him staring at me, he wouldn't get embarrassed or glare at me.

No. Instead, he would smirk at me and send flirty winks in my direction.

It would get me all flustered that I had to contain myself from looking back at him. Cause if I did I would just blush all over again.

Great, this kid just showed up today and he's already making me flustered.

I sighed in relief when the bell finally rang, indicating that it was time for lunch. I quickly gathered all my stuff before shooting up from my seat and left the classroom.

I made my way to my locker and stuffed my things inside before closing it and making my way to the cafeteria.

When I got there I looked around and already saw a few students forming a line to get their lunch. I smiled when I saw Kira and Malia already there. They were talking to each other while holding hands.

I made my way to the line and luckily I got there in time to stand with Malia and Kira.

"Hey guys" I smiled.

"Hey, Stiles" Kira smiled.

"Sup, dumbass" Malia smirked.

I playfully glared at her before letting out a small laugh when Kira sent her a scolding look and hit her arm.

Malia rolled her eyes before wrapping her arm around her waist, pulling her closer to her side.

"So, what's for lunch?" I asked.

"My guess is tacos" Malia shrugged.

"Maybe sandwiches" Kira shrugged.

"I don't care what it is. Just as long as it's edible because I'm hungry" Malia groaned in annoyance.

This made me and Kira look at each other before we began laughing.

We all know how Malia gets when she's hungry. It's funny yet scary at the same time. But mostly funny. At least for me and Kira.

When our laughter died down, Malia turned to look at me and I saw concern flash through her eyes.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, confused and worried.

"What are you gonna do when you get your lunch?" Malia asked.

I raised an eyebrow at that, confused as to what she meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean where are you going to sit once you've gotten your lunch" Malia said.

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