Chapter 02

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Stiles's Pov

Pain and sadness was all I could feel at the moment.

Pain from everything that happened yesterday.

Sadness because tear streaks were planted all over my face from yesterday. My eyes were still red and my cheeks were puffy.

It was the next day, I'm not sure what time it is. Either it was morning or afternoon, I'm not sure, and I'm honestly not sure I even care.

I just wanted to stay in bed till the day I die. I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to stay in bed all day and forget about everything else.

However, I doubt that was possible.


Because my dad decided to knock on my door.

"Stiles, buddy, you can't hide in your room forever. You have to come out at some point and talk to me" Dad said from outside.

Oh, how I wish that was true, I honestly wanted nothing more than to hide in my room all day.

You know that feeling when you wanna hide away from everything and everyone and not worry about anything. Well, that's how I'm feeling.

"I don't know if I can get you to open the door. But you should know that your friends are coming over soon" Dad said.


What friends?

As far as I'm concerned I don't have any friends.

I don't have any friends let alone a best friend. 

Hell, I don't even have a boyfriend anymore. Last I checked I got dumped yesterday. 

So, who the hell is coming to see me?

"They're gonna come over in a few minutes. If they can't get you to open the door, I'm going to have to get in myself. And you and I both know that I hate doing that" Dad said.

Of course he did. I knew my old man very well.

"Look, son, please just don't isolate yourself from me or your friends. Just let them in and talk to them. And when you're ready, please talk to me. I'm worried about you. I just want to make sure you're ok" Dad softly explained.

Despite how I was feeling, I let a small smile appear on my face.

That's what I love about my dad.

He may not know what has happened that's got me feeling this way, but he's still there for me and would never leave my side when I need him the most.

I heard footsteps and that's when I knew that dad had left. Either to work or to just relax downstairs, I'm not sure.

Sighing, I made an attempt to try and get out of bed.

Keyword, try.

I seriously didn't want to nor did I feel like leaving my bed. I didn't have any energy left in me. All of that died down from yesterday.

In the end I just gave up and stayed in bed. Having no energy whatsoever to get up, let alone head downstairs to eat breakfast.

Might was well stay in here and wait for my guests to arrive.

A Few Minutes Later

My eyes fluttered open when I heard a soft knock at the door. Groaning, I buried my face into my pillow.

"Dad, go away! I want to be alone!" I yelled, though I'm sure it was muffled because of my face still in my pillow.

The knocking continue and it's fair to say I grew more and more annoyed because of it.

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