Chapter 36

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Stiles's Pov

Luke rode with me in my jeep while Jake and June rode with Olivia.

I had no problem with Luke being with me since I'm used to us and I enjoy his company. I love being near him and I love talking to him. 

We joked around and talked about anything and occasionally sang whatever song came on the radio.

Overall, it was really fun and I enjoyed it. 

Sadly, the fun came to an end when we made it to school. 

I parked the jeep and got out of it with Luke following right behind me. The two of us watched as Olivia parked her car before her and the others got out.

Olivia wrapped her arm around June's shoulders as the couple, and Jake, walked over to us.

"Another day of hell, huh?" Olivia asked, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

I snorted at that, so did Luke and Jake while June shot her girlfriend an exasperated and fond look.

"Don't worry, Liv. The weekend is almost near so we won't have to worry too much" Luke told her.

"Good. I just want to rest with my girl by my side, nothing else" Olivia grinned, pecking June on the cheek.

I chuckled softly and awed as June smiled at her girlfriend and leaned in to kiss her on the cheek as well.

I swear to god the two of them are so cute they give me cavities. Especially when Olivia is so soft towards June and June alone.

The five of us entered the school with Olivia and June still holding each other while I was in between Luke and Jake.

We ignored the few looks we were getting from people, aka half of Scott's pack, and continued walking down the hallway.

We soon parted ways because June and Olivia needed to get a few books from their lockers and Jake needed to find one of his teachers and hand in an assignment.

When they were gone it was just Luke and I.

Not that either of us are complaining.

"Come on, love. I'll walk you to your locker" Luke smiled, sliding his hand into mine.

"Ok" I nodded, smiling while blushing.

Luke and I held hands the entire time he walked me to my locker, glancing at me a few times while shooting me small soft smiles.

I would blush all the time but I would return the gesture.

We made it to my locker and, unfortunately, we let go of each others hands.

"Sorry, love. As much as I'd love to stay, I can't. I have a test I have to retake" Luke sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Why? What happened the first time you were supposed to take it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Some kid was trying to copy off of me and I got mad and snapped at them. I almost punched them in the face but the teacher intervened and kicked us out. The kid got suspended for trying to cheat and I was given a second chance to retake it and I have to retake it today" Luke explained.

I hummed at that and nodded my head in understanding.

"Promise that I'll see you at lunch?" I asked.

Luke grinned at me before leaning in to kiss my cheek.

"Of course. See you at lunch, love" Luke winked.

With that he turned around and walked away.

A smile was now plastered on my face and I brought a hand up to the cheek he just kissed, gently touching it before letting out a content sigh.

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