Chapter 18

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Stiles's Pov

When it was time for lunch I was relieved.

My brain feels like it's going to explode because of all that classes I've had so far.

The same goes for my stomach. I was hungry like hell.

If I don't get some food in my system right now, I will literally growl at someone and probably attack them.

Oh, lets not forget I'm really excited to hang out with the others like always.

I only have a few classes with them so that's a bummer.

But at least we all have lunch together, so that's definitely something to be happy about.

After thanking the lunch lady I picked my tray up and immediately started searching for the others.

I passed by the table where the pack were sitting.

They were all eating and doing their own thing but I paid no attention to any of them. I only paid attention to the ones that I still considered my friends.

Malia, Kira, Isaac and Liam brightened when they saw me and smiled while waving.

I smiled back just as brightly and waved at them.

Theo looked up and a tiny smile appeared on his face as he nodded at me.

I repeated the gesture and continued walking.

Theo and I might not be friends but we are frenemies so that's definitely considered as something.

I ignored the glare I got from Scott and resisted the urge to show him my middle finger.


I looked up and saw Luke and the others sitting at a table near the back.

I'm assuming that's going to be their regular table because it's farther away from the others and nobody will bother them.

And that's a good table for me too.

"Over here, love!" Luke yelled.

I blushed bright red, scowling at the smirk that appeared on Luke's face.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head and walked over to the table.

Once I was close I took the empty seat that was next to Luke and sat down once I placed my tray onto the table.

"Hey guys" I greeted my newfound friends.

"Hey, Stiles" June smiled.

"Sup" Olivia and Jake nodded.

I raised an eyebrow when I saw Jake frantically writing in his notebook while glancing at his history textbook every few minutes.

I looked over at Olivia and raised an eyebrow at her as I nodded towards Jake.

Olivia looked over at him and sighed as her eyes locked back onto mine.

"We've got a test after lunch and this idiot didn't study" Olivia replied.

Oh. That makes sense.

"Hey, I found out last minute about the test" Jake defended.

"We were informed we would have a test a few days before, you just weren't paying attention" Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Yes I was" Jake defended himself, again.

"Sleeping during class doesn't count as paying attention" Olivia deadpanned.

June and I snorted while Luke let out a loud laugh as he shook his head in amusement.

Jake shot the three of us a glare before huffing as he went back to studying.

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