Chapter 08

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Stiles's Pov

Eating lunch with the new kids yesterday was something really unexpected.

I never thought that people good looking and cool as them would invite me to sit with them, let alone want to get to know me more or want to be my friends.

It was so unreal that I swear I would've passed out if I wanted to.

It was the next day and I was at school, going through my locker, trying to get the books that I needed for today.

While doing that, I felt a presence next to me and when I turned around to look, I smiled when I saw Isaac.

"What's up, bud?" Isaac asked, smiling.

"Hey to you too, bud. And nothing, just getting my books" I shrugged, smiling at him.

"You know, I never understand why we need so many books just for our classes, it's not like we're learning anything important. And even if we are I don't understand how any of this is useful in real life" Isaac scoffed.

I chuckled lightly at that and shook my head at him.

"We go to school to learn, and you never know when you might need these things. They could be important, better to learn now than never" I shrugged.

Isaac only scoffed at that and shook his head.

He's never really liked school, I don't really blame him, nobody likes school.

But he has to learn that school is something we all need, otherwise we may never make it anywhere in life.

"One day you're gonna regret saying that. You'll realize that it was a good thing you went to school because you got an education that led you to getting a good job" I explained to him.

Isaac scoffed at that, clearly not liking the idea.

I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing.

"Moving on from that, what's the deal with you and the new kids?" Isaac asked.

I stopped whatever I was doing and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I asked what's going on between you and the new kids. I mean, it's pretty obvious, considering they invited you to sit with them at lunch" Isaac said.

I eyed him up and down, trying to see what he was getting at.

I rolled my eyes before shutting my locker when I made sure I had everything that I needed.

"Nothing is going on. They just invited me to sit with them at lunch, we got to know each other, talked about some other stuff and laughed at a few jokes we made. That's all" I explained, shrugging my shoulders.

Isaac rolled his eyes and leaned against the lockers.

"You sure nothing else is going on? Especially with you and that Luke kid?" Isaac asked.

At the mention of Luke my cheeks immediately turned red and I looked down at my books, finding them more interesting.

There's something about Luke that just gets me so damn flustered all the time.

I barely know him yet he makes me feel this way already.

It's crazy what one simple person can do to you.

"I don't know what you mean" I said.

"Right, because from what I could see and hear, thanks to my supernatural hearing, he was constantly flirting with you. He even came up with a nickname for you" Isaac said.

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