Chapter 20

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Stiles's Pov

I have to admit that working with Luke on our homework was really fun.

We had some classes together so we were able to help each other if we didn't understand something.

We obviously didn't give out any answers because in life you have to be able to know something by yourself.

But, don't tell anyone this, I'm pretty sure Luke would've easily given me the answers to any questions if I just asked for it.

That's the truth and nobody can tell me otherwise.

Anyways, going back to what I was saying...

We had tons of homework to do but I think that because we worked on everything together and we helped each other, we were able to get the job done faster.

We took a few breaks then and there but we didn't fully stop until everything was completely done.

And I can't believe that we manged to get everything done in time.

The craziest part is that by the time we were finished with our homework it was only 6:50 pm.

I usually finish around midnight, the last one in the morning, because of the pack meetings that take basically the entire day.

I don't have to worry about coming home late just to finish homework.

Thank god because my grades would've gone down because of how fast I did homework just so that I didn't turn in a blank page.

I never thought the day would come where I'd be so happy not to be apart of the pack anymore.

"Finally, we're done!" Luke yelled.

He tossed his textbook aside and plopped himself down on my bed, bouncing a few times.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes at his antics as I closed my notebook and placed it inside my book bag.

"Well, one thing my dad has always told me is that working together is better than alone" I said.

"Well, he's certainly right about that" Luke nodded.

I nodded myself as I zipped up my bag and placed it back under my desk.

I let out a sigh before walking over to my bed. I sat down at the edge of it and watched as Luke propped himself up by his elbows.

"Well, we've still got time to spare. Is there anything you want to do?" I asked.

"Well, what would you normally do during your free time?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"I normally would just lay in bed and read a book. But, I don't really fancy looking at more books after finishing up homework" I shrugged.

"How about we head downstairs and watch a movie?" Luke suggested.

"Sure, that sounds better than reading" I smiled.

"Great, see you down there" Luke smiled.

I watched in amusement as he shot up from my bed and jogged out of my room to head downstairs.

I chuckled and got up from my bed. I was about to head out when my phone chimed.

Furrowing my eyebrows together, I grabbed it and turned it on and saw a message from Isaac.

Hey, if you're at home please don't go outside. Some hunters have arrived and we're going to head over to the woods to figure out what they want. But, guessing by Derek and Scott's face, they're both going to do something that'll get us all in trouble

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