Chapter 10

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Today I woke up by my alarm clock ringing. it's already Friday. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, taking a really quick shower.

20 minutes later I get out and put on black ripped skinny jean, and a red and blue flannel. While I was putting my shoes on my phone rings telling me I had an unread text message. I look at who it was and Ross had sent me a message.

~Text convo~

Ross: hey syd, I have to shoot A&A this morning and I was wondering if you would like a ride to school.

Me: yeah sure, I'd appreciate that.

Ross: ok see you in 5 ;)

~End of text convo~

I finish putting my shoes on and put my hair in braids. After that I grab my book-bag and skateboard for when I have to come back home from school, I grab my keys and phone and leave the house.

Outside Ross was waiting for me next to his car. "Good morning syd." He smiles opening the door for me. "Thanks, morning to you too." I giggle and get in to the car.

"I was wondering if you would like to go to the skatepark after school, and you know just hang out like old times." He offers hitting me playfully in the arm.

"Yeah that would be awesome, are you still as good of a skater as 13 year old Ross?" I asked laughing. "Uh yeah, I'm actually way better." He says sticking his tongue out.

"I doubt that." I laughs. "Hahaha, very funny. do you still bump into everyone like you used to?"

"Ptsh noooo." I say totally denying it. I do and it's annoying.  "Well I guess I'll find out soon, here is your stop." he smiles at me as he pulls up into my school.

"Thanks Ross." I kiss his cheek in a friendly manner and open the door. "I'll pick you up after school?" He says smiling.

"Yeah sure, if you don't mind." I smile. "I don't, see you later." he waves bye and I walk in to school.

I walk to my locker and grab my books for my first 3 classes. All of a sudden I feel someone cover my eyes. "Hahaha, very funny Luke." I say pealing his hand off of my eyes. "How did you know it was me?" He laughs.

"Because you're my only friend in school and the only people that would do that would be you, my brother or my sisters and they aren't here." I laugh while walking to my first class and Luke follows.

"That's true. I was wondering if you would like to hangout today after school me and a few other friends are going to the park, join us?" He smiles at me.

"Oh I can't I have plans already, I'm hanging out with an old friend and I kind of want to catch up with him."

"Oh, that's fine, I understand." finally we reach our English class.

It's finally the end of the day and as Ross promised he was waiting for me outside of school. Luke was walking with me so I say bye and give him a hug. I walk towards Ross car and got in.

"Hey beautiful." he smiles. "Hi Ross." I smile back at him. "Who was that guy you were walking with?" He asked curious. "A friend, why?" I Look at him. "Nothing, just asking." He says and I nod.

We finally arrived home and he grabs his skateboard. Once he got it we skated to the skatepark.


"Come on slowpoke." Ross hurries me. "Wait up, you're going to fast."

"No I'm not, you're going to slow." Ross teases. "Whatever, want to go for some ice cream?" We've been at the park for about 2 hours. "Yeah, sure." we start walking and ended up at Dairy Queen.

"Hey welcome to Dairy Queen what can I get you?" Says the employee. "Two chocolate cookie dough ice creams please." Ross says putting his arm around me.

"You still remember my favorite ice cream?"

"Of course I do." he kissed my forehead and I smile at him.

"Here you go pretty lady" the employee smiles at me, I blush a little and Ross gives him a death glare. I'm guessing he feels intimated because he looks down and starts doing something else.

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