Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Glancing left and right, after checking if there's any person nearby, I then swiftly deviated from the path I'm currently taking to an unnoticeable corner in the corridor.

I soon dissipated into the shadows after pressing a small hidden plate on the wall.

Following a dimly lit path, i turn left and right  as i was walking in a structure seemingly a maze. The surrounding became darker and darker the more i dive deep into this maze. The path ahead is bleak, it felt as if I'm walking into nothingness. I focused my mana on my  senses to make sure i didn't loose on my track.

Right now, I'm heading to a secret room to get an important piece for my little trip tonight.

I discovered this place after accidentally seeing Ecclesè entering this dungeon. Of course at that time, I'm supper curious so i sneaked in when after i wait for him exit this place.
I later learned that this place is a right of passage for the successors of the Adrika Ducal Estate.

Basically, I'm stealing something right now that's supposed to be for Ecclesè, the successor of the family. For sure the Duke would be boiling in rage as soon as he realizes that the thing is not here, because realistically, it's an artifact that later contributes to Ecclesè's strength in the future, making him almost untouchable. Not that I care, it's not my problem anyways.

I'd use anything i know at my disposal just to achieve my goal. It just happens that i need 'that' thing right now.

The reason why im doing this right now despite the cost that it might arouse suspicion is because this is the only strategical time to act. If I do this later, there's a high chance that a servant or two would immediately spot me and report me to the Duke besides, by that time, im supposed to be locked up in my room. There's just too many variables, the main problem is timing.

Hence here I am right now...

Arriving at a massive door with distinct engravings, I stood there in daze admiring it's beauty.

'its magical'
Although it's my second time in this place, i still couldn't help but be in awe at the view in front of me.

Forget that..I only have limited time, i can't be gone for too long unless I want to garner attention to myself. That'd be bad on my end.

"Aight, open sesame~"
I channeled my mana on a small gear at the corner of the door. Thereafter, the door automatically opened itself in front of me.

That's what you called magical mechanism right there. Considering the fact that this is the second most wealthy family in the Empire, this much is nothing. This is enough to slap the Royal family 2 times in their face as the Ducal family rivals the wealth and technology of the Royal family.

What welcomed my view is a temple-like structure with various statues. My gaze soon landed on the altar in the middle with a red cushion. Squinting my eyes, i noticed a sparkling  gem emitting a white hue sitting on the cushion.

The moment i saw it, i instantly knew...

"That's it!"
So that's the thing that Ecclesè received on this place. I don't know the specific details on what to do with that thing nor do i know the specific functions but...i at least got the gist of it.

That aside, this place is huge. When i say huge, i mean huge.

Wonder how did they manage to hid this place...i know the mansion is huge but..this place just doesn't make sense at all.

Hmm...seems like it's some kind of pocket dimension.

Well anyway, I'd set aside what to do with that thing later. for now, I'd just grab it and quickly return. If I don't go to my room now, I'd arouse suspicion.

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