Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Smoke rose from where Melipione's room is. It obstructed the vision of anybody looking into it.

At the same time, fire rose from the bookshelves and books on it. The fire crawled, swallowing everything flammable it passed through.

Things quickly escalated this way.



The sound of fire burning and things crumbling down could be heard from the origin of the fire.

Servants and knights rushed towards the room, it alarmed even the Duke who was in his office, so was his sons.

"Fire! Put out the fire!"

"Move move move!"

"Mage cast water spell on it!"

"What are you doing? Move out of the way!"

"Knights check the lady inside"

The Ducal people immediately tosed around, busily moving to get their roles done. Some panicked, while some acted coolheadedly with their wits intact.

They're those veteran servants who stayed in the Ducal Estate for more than a decade.

The Duke, who stood there, watching the scene was still stiff looking. He watched his people taking care of the matter.


The situation has been solved. They put out the fire in a matter of seconds the moment they arrived at the scene.

Soon after, the knights who rushed in to check the inhabitant of the room immediately got out afterwards, holding a petite feeble body of a young girl covered in bruises and light degree burn.


After settling down Melipione into a new room, a priest came in to check on her condition.

Fortunately, it was just light injuries that could be dealt with healing potion.

However, even after healing all her injuries, Melipione still hasn't regained her consciousness.

"She just needs a little more rest. It seems like the explosion has put a mental shock on her so she was still unconscious. "

Before the priest leave, he spoke for the last time.

" The lady is in a vegetable state. I suppose she's been starving for days, i suggest she eat nutritious food"



The priest left the room.

1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours—Melipione still hasn't regained her consciousness—or so it seems.

She has long since woke up, she was just pretending to be unconscious so she could rest a little more.

She gave herself time to breathe.

All those hours, plans envisioned in her mind.

'hmm. As i thought. Hurting a little bit was helpful for me. I can get in and out of the door since there's no restriction placed on my new room.'

Melipione subconsciously nodded her head in satisfaction. 

Thinking about what happened earlier, she chuckled. It was indeed a good opportunity for her who profits through pain and despair.

She just put a simple defensive barrier right on time the bomb exploded, thin enough so it would break and hurt her a little bit.

On the other hand—the culprit in question—Andrian was sweating bullets every second.

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