Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

A vicious looking assemblage of individuals tasked to search the assailant all over the underground prison called knights carrying the orders of the duke earnestly ransacked every nook and cranny of the surroundings leaving not even a single speck of dust unattended.

The next set of events followed suit with the cowardly knight running away and reporting to the higher ups and the Duke giving orders as a response.

Now all knights within the dutchy were focused on a single point to deal with the turmoil that caused a stir on the calm waters of the dukedom.

As all intended, by a certain individual. Performing beyond the shadows of the stage...

"Any progress?" The knight captain in charge asked his right hand man.

"I am afraid to tell you but nothing so far captain" the right hand man bowed and shook his head in disappointment, feeling embarrassed how they couldn't even catch a strand of hair of a single rat who sneaked into the sewers.

"Don't feel so down yet, we'll find that bastard soon" assured his captain, at this point he can't show a long face in front of his subordinates. No, he must put on a mask and show what a spirit of a knight should have so that the kids in his order won't give up even if they're trying to find a ghost.

"We'll catch the snake and have a feast on his blood tonight! We'll have him pay for the trouble he put us through so move it! Find him at all costs!!"

" YES, SIR!!! "

As they moved with high spirits, a knight stumbled upon something shivering inside an empty large barrel in the corner of the room.

"Hngg, hic,m-mother, father, brother, sister, h-hngg haa ancestors, gods, budha, amithaba l-l-let that monster go away hic hic sa-save this lowly wench huhuhuhu..!!!"

'a child? What's a child doing here?'

The knight squinted his eyes, upon seeing a little girl drenched in blood pleading to be saved in a dark closed barrel. She looked like an abandoned puppy beaten and bruised shivering in cold.

'she must've seen how those knights were slaughtered by the guard monster. How scary must it been for such a young soul to witness those cruel scenes before her eyes. She must've been traumatized, im so sorry for her. I hope it doesn't ruin her mental state so much.. '

He took pitty, but not knowing what to do with such small creature. He didn't dare touch the child, he was afraid he'd break her into pieces given how delicate her features are.

"Kid, what are you doing here?" He approached the child, and the little girl stopped sobbing for a moment as she listened to the knight.

"U-uhm are you okay kid? Are you hurt?" He asked for the second time but the kid stared and him and then...


Ear splitting scream emerged from the little girl's small mouth as she cried and cried even more. She, who caught the attention of other knights, made them flustered not knowing how to hush a child.

"Huhuhu dead knight, alive, g-g-ghost! UWAAAHH"

" A-ah little puppy-erm little girl don't cry im not a ghost! " The knight became more flustered as he cannot deal with this little creature in front of him. He'd rather say sparring with their vicious knight captain was ten times more easier than deal with stubbornly crying kids.

It seemed that the little girl vividly remembers the subject of massacre in her mind. Of course she'd freak out if the knights she watched to their death's door appear in front of her. It led her to a misunderstanding that a ghost knight was talking to her.

He didn't know how to hush the child servant who was traumatized.

Soon after, the other knights joined him as they all tried to calm the little chick. A slightly higher rank than him, Johan asked him.

"Sans, what's happening here? Report to me from the very start how you found her and why is a child here of all places?"

"Err, puppy, i mean a kid, no-yeah a child servant, i saw her when i was checking the barrels. She was shivering and seemed to witness how the knights died. I think she was a servant here but that's not for sure though"

" Haizz, a distraction of all times"

Hearing this, Johan run through his jet black hair with his long fingers before scrunching his eyebrows. He thought that the child is so bothersome and a distraction to their task so he must quickly send that little chick away.

"Sans, since you were the one who found that chick, get rid-ehem you must escort her away and send her safely anywhere out of this place you understand?"

Placing his hands on the knight Sans' shoulders, he uttered those words with dead, serious eyes.

"Y-yeah. But won't we have to tell the knight captain about her?"

"And then what? Get scolded for getting distracted? It's not like she's important anyway just send her outside you hear me?"

"you're right I'll carry her outside right away"

Turning away, Sans went back to the little girl with unquenchable tears. He kneeled his right leg and spoke to the little girl with gentle tone.

"Child, I'll take you away from here. You don't like being here do you? Shush now we're moving outside hmm?"

Atlas, the girl stopped crying and stared at the young knight with tearful puppy eyes. The knights seemed to have a heart attack for a moment. They all become somewhat displeased whilst they watch Sans carry the little puppy away.

As soon as they stepped foot outside, feeling the harsh cold air brush against their cheek, the little girl finally spoke.

"Mister, you are a good good knight" sweet flowery words spit out and a greatful small voice came out of the little girl's mouth. Sans wished he could see the smile on the child's face but the child was tightly hugging his nape, unfortunately.

He couldn't see what look on the face the child has right now. But he was sure the puppy was smiling beautifully.

He was about to say something but the child spoke again so he had to wait for the sweet puppy-like girl to finish her sentence.

"In exchange for doing the great work of getting me out of there, I won't kill you. What do you think? Isn't that only fair for a good good knight like you?"

Dreadful words hissed, the tone of the little girl's voice significantly change from sweet to sharp, dry in an instant.


Shivers run through all over his body from head to toe and his mind went blank for a moment.

't-the a--'

However before he could even think straight, Melipione knock him out in cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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