Chapter 9.3

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Calum woke up and noticed that everyone's not home anymore. He walk downstairs and saw food with letter on it.

"Eat your breakfast and don't come home late"

He pick the letter as he munch the toasted bread. "Mmmhh... So it's been left by Zee Dad. I see" he put down and proceed upstairs to change his clothes since he joined a special summer class though he's still a 5 years old kid. He hummed while going out and saw that familiar sport's car as well as the man who walked out to greet him.

"Good Morning Sebastien" he tilt his head for there's no one called him that except that one girl he dreamed a year ago and his late Aunt Granny. Then he remembered that man "Oh! You're that one person who's been with the man who gave me the big teddy bear last year on my first day in school" he smile at him and the man squat down then put his hand on the boy's head "Yes, that's me. So, Sebastien... Where are you going? Isn't it summer vacation now?" "It is but I joined a summer class next village and during Saturday, I have a Training session" "oh, I see... Well, would you mind dropping you there?" Calum nodded and the man stood up and reach his hand "So, let's go?" "Yep! Let's go!!!" He cheerfully answered that made the man felt so very happy.

He put Calum in the backseat for child's safety then he drive towards their destination.

"So, where's the other man? Every time he saw or going to meet me, he's so full of smiles" the man smile "he only smile like that to me and you. You know? He's so cold and scary to others" "Why also me?" He man look at him through the front mirror then back to the road "because you're also so very special to him and it also was to me" "Why am I Special to the both of you?" The man smile at the same time, he's glad to have a conversation with him.

Since Calum's still a child, it's obvious that he's curious about lot of things, though he can hold a fake self Infront of others like pretending someone who's not truly himself but whenever he's with that two anonymous men, he can be himself like how he is when he's with those Bus Drivers, Cain and Kallistê.

"You're so special to us because... Let's say... We wanted a son and we saw you" "So, I'm like your son?" "Yes... Is it okay?" "It's no Biggie since my parents aren't like parents to me since I'm just holding them down towards their freedom. I'm just like an unnecessary weight being tied with them" the man's heart was being wreck to pieces "at such a young kid who's barely 5 years old can say things that's harder to us grown up to say. Just how much pain they inflect to the child?" He said to himself but brought back the reality when Calum ask him a question that he really expected to come but not too soon.

"So, Sir? What's your name?"

He smile and parked the car at the corner of the street then look straight at the boy...

He passed him snacks while replying,

"I'm Gulf Kanawut-Suppasit" he smile with that kind of smile which Mothers show that very moment they first saw their newborn child — a warm and loving smile that Calum never had with his whole 5 years existence "And the man who's with me. That cold man with others but so warm with us? He's my husband and his name's Mew Suppasit" "I'm Calum Sebastien Panich!!!" He raise his arm and cheerfully answered his name "Panich... I see... That didn't fit you so well" the boy confused and tilt his head which came out so cute for Gulf "If things going right. Suppasit fits you more" "To be honest, If I'll be born next life... I hope I'll be born as a child with the two of you. Maybe life become more colorful and fun, no need for be to became the person who's not my true self in a fear to be punished to almost death" Gulf reach the boy's hand "You'll be happy and can be who you are soon..." "Soon? Why?" "It's a secret..." He touch the boy's cheek "I'm so sure of it but I'm not telling you just yet" Calum just nodded his head then Gulf continued their way to that Village.


"Calum?" Cain softly said as he saw Calum with that Famous International Doctor Gulf Kanawut-Suppasit "Calum? Who are you talking?" Saint appeared and later saw the child after he followed Cain's gazes "Hope you'll never hate that kid" Saint look at Cain, confused and to their back, saw a man who dressed up like a businessman "Why would I do that?" The man took a deep breath and answered "Calum Sebastien, he's the rumoured son of Zee and Nunew's" Saint look abruptly back to the kid at the distance "That's the boy?" "Yes, and that's the same boy that Callie won't stop talking about. Her very first Friend" Cain responded "But,  rumor had it that he's a spoiled child who demand luxurious things... And he looked like Nunew"

"I reckon you believed it" The Man answer as Saint still stare at the child who cheerfully talk with Gulf as  the older still holds his little hands "Calum suffers a lot. He grew up without experiencing love but manipulation. He pretended someone who's not really his true self in fear of punishment. He's a great kid once you learn and meet him outside his so-called family in that hellish household. The rumor told that he looked like Nunew, well... Maybe during in infant days but now, he looked more like someone else's---" "Punishment?" Saint cut him off as he can't believe that such a young boy experience those hell "That's where he got his bruises and wounds" "A young kid like him---" "Since he's still 3 years old, after his Aunt Granny died. He always went out from their house to spend days outside and almost everyday, he'll get whipped for nothing or for not doing great in convencing someone for luxurious things. No one even look at him than disgust and contempt... He suffers so much for 3 years now. No doubt he can smile so cheerfully like that with other people" Saint look back at him "How did you know that?" "Oh, please forgive me... Let me introduce myself, I'm Toptap Jirakit. Business partner of Mr. Mew Suppasit as well as Gulf Kanawut-Suppasit cousin. And to your question, We know it because he's someone special to our family. So we root with his growth. We're also acquainted with the Late Shelina Suppapong Lee and Calum's Aunt Granny." "Oh... I see..." "And please excuse me... I need to go so I could accompany the young man to his seat" "He's going to participate?" Cain asked "Oh, yes. He's such a smart kid, no. An intelligent young man"

Toptap walked and greeted Calum. Everyone in there saw how the boy greeted Toptap with such great etiquette.

"I wonder if someone taught him that" People around talk about the boy. But Saint still look at the boy and wonder "He didn't takes after from either Zee or Nunew... More like he takes after Gulf and Mew's eyes. Though being a dominant Omega and a lineage of Alpha... Zee and Nunew had none of them, what more in their family but in the other hand, Gulf's a special dominant Omega and Mew's a rare type of Alpha. Could it be coincidence or there's more of it?" But he later disregard those thoughts and went with the crowds.

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