Ignorance is bliss

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Pipers POV;

This morning when I'd gotten up there was no Tris in sight. She must've gotten up early too, to practice. As for Peter, he'd got up for an early shower like me. Unfortunately.

This time when I walked into the bathroom he stood fully dressed.

"So, why do you call me blue?" I asked passing by him, expecting a cheeky answer.

He didn't give a cheeky answer. He didn't give an answer at all, just kept his head up, didn't even look at me and walked out.

"Hayes?" Didn't look back. Didn't say a word.

What the actual hell is wrong with boys.


Tris kept training until she'd bettered her placement. After 4 days we now sat as:

Peter 3rd
Will 6th
Molly 9th
Drew 10th
Me 11th
Chris 14th
Tris 26th
Al 28th

"Jesus Al, what happened?" Will couldn't help but ask when we seen the board.

"He doesn't like to hurt people" I tried to give him a reason. It was true he was scared. Scared of everything though, not just hurting people. He'd failed at nearly every task.

"Nah, I'd say you're just weak Al" the voice I hadn't heard in over 4 days piped up. Peter.

"Get screwed" Christina threw back.

"That an offer?" I felt sick at that.

Will lunged forward so I being the great friend I am stood in front of him, "don't, you can know him out later" not to mention Peter was stronger than Will. Not to mention he wouldn't stop.

"Listen to non riser Will, that'll do you wonders bud" he mocked walking away, minions following.

4 days of ignoring me, 4 days of not meeting my eyes or talking to me and that's all he can say.


After that night I was starting to think he wasn't as bad as I'd imagined, that he really was looking out for me in his own weird way. Now I know I'm not cut out for erudite because clearly I was stupid to think that.

Christina and Molly were to fight.

It didn't go well, Chris was down on the mat more than she was stood up.

"Stop, stop" she heaved, "I'm done"

"You want to stop?" She nodded, "ok, let me give you a hand" I felt my mouth begin to open. Did Eric, the devil in disguise, just offer Christina his hand to help her up?

Will looked as surprised as I did, "maybe he fancy's her too" I joked, he did not find that funny.

"Let's take a break"

We walked through to the pit. His hand around her waist, Eric that was. Will looked uneasy.

"Surely he can't be serious?" Will questioned his intentions and Eric spoke to Christina.

Oh my god.

I turned to look at Will for a second and now Christina is hanging from the railing of the pit. The chasm. I tried to push through, I had to pull her up. It was automatic, I didn't even think.

A strong hand grabbed my arm, in a way I knew all too well.


I didn't even look, my eyes stayed on Christina hanging there.

"You've got three options:" Eric straightened up.
"Hang there and I'll forget your cowardliness, Fall and die or give up" I closed my eyes, "but if you give up, you're out" nope she was still hanging there when I opened them.

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