Wren Canning

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Peters POV;

She just sat there. Still. Silent. On my sofa. When I took her back here I expected her to fight me, to tell me off, scream at me, hit me, anything.

But she didn't. She didn't even speak.

I stood in the kitchen, not wanting to get to close just making tea. Not wanting to hurt her again. When she realised it was him she fell apart in front of me. Tears streamed down her face lost within the raindrops running down along side. Her hands were shaking. She was shaking.

When she first saw the body, unaware of who's it was I saw her turn her head to the side and close her eyes as she turned him over. That's when I saw his face. I didn't want her to see that. God I wanted anything but her to see, but she did.

At the time all I thought about was getting her safe if lunatics are running around with guns.

Now all I felt was guilt. A feeling I was criminally unused to.

The last thing I said was telling him to get out, telling him I was using his sister. My eyes closed and I cringed momentarily, not that Piper noticed. She only sat staring at the table in front of her. Blankets wrapped over her shoulders.

The hot water filled the two mugs as I dropped teabags in and stirred. Piper loved tea. It would heat her up.



I grabbed both mugs and made my way to her sitting them both down. Then sitting myself down on the couch close to her yet not right beside her.

"Hey, I made you tea" she didn't move, "to warm you up" this time she let out a breathy sigh.

"I don't want tea" her tone was different to usual, angrier. "I want my brother to be alive"

I thought of that sight again. Closing my eyes and covering my face with my hands. He lay there lifeless when I could've helped. I could've had his back. Something I didn't do.

"Oh my god" she muttered another tear spilling over to run down her cheek.

"What?" I tucked the wet hair that covered a part of her face behind her ear.

"My parents, I need to tell my parents" she turned to look at me this time.

"Piper, I don't think that's a good idea right now" I tried to plead with her.

"No!" She yelled pushing the blankets off her shoulders, "I need to tell them! I need to tell them their son is dead-" she stopped talking. She looked ahead again, "he-" she mumbled unable to finish. More tears fell. She looked up at me, eyes watering and heart broken, I felt as if mine broke too. I pulled her into my chest, unfazed that I'd changed into dry clothing and she hadn't.

How could I do what I'd done. She is the most deserving person on this earth and I told her all I wanted was to get in her pants. Something that couldn't be further from the truth. Although the truth scared me as much as the thought of losing her.

"I need to tell them Peter" she cried into my chest, "come with me" my hand reached for the back of her head pulling her closer.

"Okay" I agreed knowing she wouldn't stop, "but first we need to get you changed and cleaned up okay?" I pulled back from her allowing her to look up at me confused and brows furrowed. "Your hands Piper"

Her eyes fell to them. Shaking and red. Soaked in her brothers blood.

She nodded and sobbed quietly. "I'll help you yea?" I offered certain she'd say no, after everything I had said and done but she didn't, she nodded again biting her lip. I stood, she followed. The bathroom light was still on from when I'd been in there 20 minutes ago.

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