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Peter's POV;

Her skin was warm, inviting.

Her lips were soft.

Her eyes.

Piper was controlling my every thought and I hated it.

I hated that I followed her.

Hated that I comforted her.

Hated that she hated me.

"Peter?" The droning voice pulled me out of my own head.

"Yes Molly?"

"We need to go, fear simulation" she stood in front of my bed, hand on her hip. She'd noticed that night, asked me what I was doing as we stood when Al's body was pulled up.

She hadn't spoken to me the same since, not that it bothered me. It seemed to be more of a blessing than a curse.

The only curse I knew was Piper.

"Yea, coming"

"How many fears does a person have?" This was my third simulation, although some others had more so far. I didn't take myself to be scared of much.

"Average? 10-15" Four didn't look at me when he spoke.

I'd previously had the fear of being weak. Pathetically.

The fear of being factionless and alone.

The needle stung in my neck and within 10 seconds I was sat between my parents. They looked ahead of us.

"Dad? Ma?" They continued to ignore me, looking ahead at something to blurry for me to see. "What is it?" I tried to stand, see what was going on.

I couldn't move.

I was stuck in my seat.

"You, boy, are pathetic" my fathers words stung my ears.

"A disappointment" ma added.

"Stop" I continued to struggle in my seat. My father stood.

"You will never be loved. You're incapable of it." My mother spat as she stood alongside my father.

"You are a weak and evil boy, no one will ever chose you"

She came to mind.

Piper would never chose me.

That made me angry, I wasn't sure why. Angry enough to force myself up.

I stood before my father, my mother no longer in sight.

"We will never be proud of you-" I hit him. Hard as I could.

Then I woke in the seat next to Four, "7 and a half minutes" he said nothing else, just nodded toward the door. I knew he could see everything I saw, but could he know the thoughts I had in there.

When I exited he yelled "Piper" I didn't look at her as our paths crossed. Didn't know if she'd looked at me either.

"Peter, how was it?" Drew asked from the seat to my left, I sat beside him.

"Quick and easy as usual"

"What was it this time?" Was I hell telling him.

"Suffocating" a lie, from a previous Candor. The Candor boy who was full of lies my father used to call me.

"Ah, doesn't sound pleasant" I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

I wondered what she feared? Piper always came out looking pretty calm. This was, from what I could tell, her third simulation too.

After Dark • Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now