Its your fault

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Pipers POV;

"So, how was it Tris?" Christina scooped her ice cream into her mouth licking the spoon as she did. Will looked down, I cringed.

I'd been looking at Peter who sat across and a few seats down, who was sending me glances all through dinner. He was sat with Molly, no Drew once again. I creased my brows looking between Tris and Chris again.

"How was what?" She giggled slightly, Chris raised a brow, smirking. She's talking about Four, being as discreet as possible for everyone else around the table not to work it out for themselves. "Oh, I wouldn't know" my eyes widened. She'd spend all night with him yesterday, which was after Peter and I returned.

"Mhmm" I hummed sipping my apple juice afterwards and winking at the girl before me.

"Seriously, nothing happened" I stared at her for a moment trying to figure out she was lying, it didn't take too long when my eyes found her neck. It looked rather purple.

"Ran out of turtle necks Tris" I met her gaze again to see her look back at me with that classic oh shit look. I laughed as did Will and Chris. She threw her hand up to cover what was sticking out above her top.

"How about you Will, did you like Christina's shorts?" Tris threw back.

Will didn't hesitate to respond, "indeed I did, very much" my face screwed up at the thought of my childhood friend saying something of that sort, Chris covered her face and Tris laughed.

"Oookay, let's change topic" Christina mumbled into her hands.

"Agreed" I added, looking away from Will who'd now began laughing with Tris. Peter was staring, I could feel his gaze before meeting it. He'd been eating the last spoonful of his ice cream. The smallest bit remaining on his bottom lip. His tongue slid out, licking the remaining ice cream. I could feel his lips on my skin again. Feel his hands on my hips.

He smirked as I stared at his lips, my eyes moving as quickly as possible to look back to my friends.

"So, he's still not appeared?" I heard Molly whisper to him, trying not to look as though I was listening in. I knew Will, Chris and Tris had started talking about something else but I was trying to focus in on the conversation down from us.

"He'd be an idiot if he did" Peter added, sternly.

"Earth to Piper?" Fuck sake Will. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Hm?" I mumbled.

"You're not hungover" Will stated, calmly, neither was he, although Tris and Chris weren't quite so lucky. "Must've been too busy to drink" he now laughed. I knew exactly what he'd be referring to.

"Incredibly busy" I whispered at a level that Peter would not hear, sipping my apple juice yet again. "God, I love apple juice"

"I'm more of an orange juice person myself" Chris shrugged.

I looked at her, appalled. "Orange juice? Over apple juice? I can't even look at you the same" I held my hand up dramatically.

"One of her unfortunate flaws" Will had received a kick under the table for that comment. "Although-" he grimaced in pain, "she's a wonderful girlfriend"

A smile spread across my face, "girlfriend?" I smirked.

"They're official, how sweet" Tris smiled too.

"Piper Canning!" A yell came from the cafeteria doors. Four. I looked at Tris who shrugged. Standing and making my way to a very unpleased looking man.

"Yes?" I whispered as I began to walk through the doors following behind him. "Is everything okay Four?" He stopped turning to face me looking less irritated.

After Dark • Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now