I guess I like it that way

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Piper's POV;

"There she is" Christina hollered as Tris made her way down the stairs. People hollered and woo'd as she walked in. "I can't believe you said that to Eric" Will patted her shoulder.

"They were in the middle of telling me that you stood up for Al, pretty fucking cool Tris" I laughed giving her a hug.

"Look at your ear" Chris added. 

"Hey Tris, that was pretty cool" Molly said in passing.


Will and I both gave a silent 'whaaat' when she'd left.

"Hey look, I'm gonna go freshen up, I'll catch up with you guys on the way to dinner?" I smiled patting Tris' shoulder as I left to go to the bathroom.

It was empty thankfully.

I turned the tap on making sure the water was cold, put my hands under then ran them over my face. A well needed cool down after whatever that was that had happened with Peter.

"Hey, Piper" I wanted to roll my eyes but saved myself just in time by pulling the towel up to dry my face.

"Yea" I said somewhat muffled to who I knew was Molly beside me.

"I just wanted to say thanks, for saving me earlier" she seemed timid, weird even.

"Uh, yea it's fine"

"Ok bye" she tried to turn.

"Wait, Molly, why are you even thanking me?" It was disingenuous. I knew that much.

"Was told to" she'd now left.

Was told to apologise by who? Eric. Why'd he care if I was hurt or not he flat out called me stupid.


"Hey" I smiled sitting beside Will at the table with my dinner. "How's the ear?" I raised a brow to Tris.

"Great, how's the hand?" she laughed.

"Hanging off as you can see" I let my hand dramatically flop as I lifted it. They all laughed except Al. "How are you Chris?"

"I'm good? I think. I knew his kindness wasn't genuine I guess" she's referring to Eric.

"Ah, I guess he doesn't fancy her too after all" I mocked to Will who immediately elbowed me in the stomach "ow" I droned looking at him.

"What?" Chris looked over.

"Nothing" Will answered for me.

"Who fancies Chris?" Tris giggled after popping a few fries in her mouth.

"Everyone according to Piper" Will rolled his eyes.

"Nah, only one person really" there was that elbow again. "Ok ok, I'll stop" I looked over to Chris who's cheeks were red again.

"Right we all need to get to bed" Al finally joined.

"Ok dad" Chris laughed.


"Tris and Peter" surely that's an unfair fight. Peter will kill her.

"It's Eric, he's just trying to get back at you" Christina spoke exactly what I was thinking.

We'd both noticed that four had stopped her before the fight, whispering something as he did. I couldn't work out what he'd said all I knew was to begin with Tris looked as if she stood a chance until Peter had her face down on the mat. Her nose was bleeding and he looked at Eric as if he were hesitant to hit her again. Eric didn't care and if Peter wanted to win he'd have to hit her again.

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