Inside my mind

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Piper's POV;

"Hey, Pip" I heard Will's voice. I can't hide from him.

I made my way out hoping he wouldn't see my doing it wondering why I was in a cupboard "over here" I spoke finally walking away from the door.

"They're revealing our placements, hurry up" I needed to forget about what just happened and focus on being in dauntless. Making it here.

Will put an arm over my shoulders as we walked in, one of the first sets of eyes I met were his.

Looking away as quick as I could to the board when it started to reveal.

Peter 2nd
Molly 6th
Will 7th
Piper 8th
Christina 9th
Drew 12th
Tris 20th
Al 21st

I made it. We all did.

I should be happy, so incredibly happy that I want to scream but, I'm not. All I can think about is my own stupidity.

I needed to stay far from Peter Hayes.


A week had passed and we continued to train.

I'd had to fight Molly, Christina and Al

I'd somehow won all three. Molly wasn't easy but she got frustrated easily, something I could use to my advantage. I'd managed to completely avoid Peter. This was easy, because he'd totally avoided and ignored me too. He didn't even look at me in passing.

I was right. It was all a joke. He lied because he was drunk or just because he's a total dick I didn't know but what I did know was he'd made a fool of me. I'd managed to convince Will it was to tell him off. Have a go at him.

I knew he hadn't fully believed my story but he'd let it drop. Besides I did really end up taking a go at him.

"Helloo? Earth to Piper?" Christina laughed giving my shoulder a nudge.


"How'd you beat Molly?" Tris queried.

"Get her frustrated. She doesn't think straight after that. You can tell what she's gonna do before she does it" I'd been rather stand offish since. To everyone.

"I'll remember that, besides they going to delve into our deepest fears today, fun right?"

"No far from it Chris. I don't fancy finding out what those are. Never mind Four or Eric finding out too" I sighed.

"What do you mean them finding out too?" Tris asked awfully quickly.

"They can see exactly what you see in your mind" Will added.

Tris didn't speak the rest of breakfast. We just found ourselves sitting in little white chairs waiting to be called.

Will sat at the end, beside me, then Chris and finally Tris and Al.

Peter, Drew and Molly sat across until she was taken in. I tried not to look.

The door opened and out she came. Looking delirious and terrified.


He walked over confidently.

He was in the room for about 15 minutes. Half the Molly was. He looked disturbed but mostly alright.


"I'll inject you with this serum, you need to just stay calm and think. Be brave ok" His voice was calming. It was as if I were falling asleep.

Then I woke.

I was in a small dark room. It was weird but nothing bad. I could hear a faint voice. One I'd thought I recognised but I just couldn't place it, it was too far aware.

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