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Pipers POV;

At first my shoulder ached. My whole chest did, but now all I could feel was the wet liquid running down my arm, I'd never been hurt like this before. Never been stabbed.

I'd contemplated pulling the blade out, if I were still at the compound I would've, but I couldn't here, with no dressings or antiseptic it was almost guaranteed to end up infected. He'd got me in a place that I knew would heal.

Or at least I'd hoped.

All I could think about was Peter. Usually I'd be kicking myself for that but now, knowing I won't see him alive again, I couldn't think of anything else.

Perhaps this was the best outcome for him, he would be able to continue his path in dauntless and become a great leader one day without worrying about me.

He also wouldn't have to hurt me.

I knew, no matter what he had said that he did care, he'd put his neck on the line for me one too many times, Riley reminded me of that.

Hell, Peter is the reason Riley is factionless, because he did it for me.

I couldn't have that burden be on him, having to take my life, Eric was an awful man and I knew, when given the chance he'd love to see Peter take the life of a divergent.

The weight of my death would be on his shoulders. I couldn't allow that to happen, couldn't allow Peter to live with that.

I couldn't have him hurting more.

I loved him too much.

I darted my head up at the sound of Riley cocking his gun. He looked envious. He didn't deserve to be envious, not after what he'd done.

He stalked over to me and crouched down to be at my level on the ground. His cold, dirty hand touched my chin, trying to catch my eye. I snapped my head away and out of his grip, he didn't like that. He, forcefully this time, grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"I hope that hurt" he smirked, his teeth had already looked rotted.

I laughed. Laughed loudly at his words, "was that supposed to scare me?" This time he let me go, shortly after planting a slap to my cheek. Again all I could do was laugh once again.

I knew what Riley was like, knew I could rile him up by daring not to be terrified of him.

"You're not scared of death? You're a fool" he spat walking in circles in front of me. "You should be terrified of me, knowing how easy it will be for me" he stopped. Staying still. "Unless you want me to kill you?"

I shrugged looking up at him, "be my guest Riley"


"I'm divergent, my life is essentially now a lost cause, so take it" I wasn't giving up by any means, I just had to distract him enough for me to run, when I felt ready to, when I had an exit in mind.

"So that's it?" He sounded disappointed.

"What? Do you want me to beg for my life?" I let out a breathy laugh. Would I hell beg him for my life. I wouldn't ask him for anything.

"You're right" he concluded walking towards a broken table, "killing you would be too easy" he picked something up, a picture perhaps? "That would only bring you a short lived pain, I want you to suffer long term" he stopped talking, walking towards me again.

"Torture? That's low even for you" I hummed.

"Torture? Sure. Just not physically." My brows creased showing how confused I was, did he want to try and mentally torture me? Did he really think he could? "I know who you care about"

After Dark • Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now