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Pipers POV;

I'd been sat alone in a bathroom for what felt like hours. I was certain it had been at least two.

I only decided to get out when I heard the front door close, meaning he'd left. Curiosity got the best of me, something I almost thought he'd of known, closing the door on purpose to make it seem as though he'd left so I'd come out.

This wasn't the case.

I looked at the clock.


There was a note, scribbled down in what looked like a hurry he'd written 'won't be long' my brows furrowed wonder where the hell he'd went. Was he that annoyed at me that he'd leave like that.

I took the time to pick up the bottle of water he'd given me earlier and drink it. I hadn't had a drink since dinner and I felt a headache coming on.

I stepped out further into his living room. God this place is pretty big. The couch looked comfy. Very comfy in-fact. Turns out I was right it was so cushiony and had this incredible soft material. My eyes closed for a moment, I knew how tired I was and how desperate for sleep I was. Though I also knew I didn't want to fall asleep on his couch and have him come home to me fast asleep.

I didn't even know if he'd talk to me at all.

I didn't know if I wanted to talk to him either.

My mind had been rapidly running over all the possible reasons he could've said what he'd said. Not to mention the fact he said it was just as much my fault as his. I suppose if I had left him alone Drew would still be alive and he wouldn't be in the position he's in now.

About 30 minutes had passed when I heard the key in the lock once more.

I closed my eyes and inhaled a deep breath prepared for whatever he'd say. I heard him lock the door behind him and opened my eyes. There he was tall, messy hair and holding a black duffel bag.

He sat it on the table in the living room, not making eye contact with me at all then walking into the kitchen once more to grab another bottle of water.

My eyes followed him, knowing he wouldn't speak to me first. "Where were you?" I muttered fully expecting to be ignored.

He looked up but not at me, at the bag nodding in its direction, "that's for you" I had gave him a what the hell is in that bag look but he never seen it. I scooted forward to reach for the bag and pull it onto my lap.

My fingers grabbed the zip, slowly pulling it round to open the bag. Clothes?

My clothes.

"I figured you'd need pj's, clothes for tomorrow and your toothbrush" he was now in front of me holding out a bottle of water, "this is in case you get thirsty through the night" I took it from him my fingers brushing his hand in the process. He looked at me for a long moment.


"You're freezing" he replied instantly, "go change in the bedroom, brush your teeth if you'd like and then we'll get you in bed"

In bed?

Was he giving me his bed for the night?

Shit maybe he did feel bad.

I nodded standing up and walking around him toward the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"There's toothpaste in there you can use"

Everything felt awkward. Incredibly awkward.

I brushed my teeth and made my way directly across the hall to the bedroom, closing the door behind me duffel bag in hand. He'd packed black pj shorts and a black cami. Fair enough. I changed quickly taking my bra off and letting out a grateful sigh.

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