Whats important

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Pipers POV;

I'd encouraged Tris to speak to Four leaving myself alone in the process.

I hated being near that Azriel guy. Although one upside was that I hadn't seen Peter since.

"Piper," Molly sat beside me, "I heard Drew bang on about what he did in the training room" I raised my bottle to my lips as she spoke trying to seem as unfazed as possible. "It was out of order and I'm sorry it happened but believe me, Peter and I didn't know"

I nodded, "so he's just unhinged?"

"Pretty much" she raised her bottle to her lips, "I've never liked him, don't know that Peter ever did too, he just stuck to him like glue since, I don't even know when" I would've told him where to go, although when your someone like Peter, having a guy who'll do whatever you ask is a good price to pay.

"Well I've not seen him since, that's a plus right?" She creased her brows at that statement.

"Me neither now that I think about it" we both thought for a second, "can't say that I'm disappointed with that" she laughed, pulling me up. "I know we're not besties by any means but, come dance. You look like you need it"


Peters POV;

"Look, I'm really not interested..." I paused unable to remember the name of the blonde before me.

"I can make you interested" she winked running a hand over my chest. "It's not like your lover is interested in you" she tilted her head in Pipers direction. I looked over to see her stood in front of some tall guy.

"Who the fuck is he?"

"Azriel, he's a great fuck" she giggled. I ignored that thought.

He kissed her hand. It made me feel sick. She was smiling at him. Enticing him in. I really thought we'd got on a good path. "You need to leave me alone" I spoke to the blonde not taking my eyes off Piper.

"Fine. Maybe I'll go find Azriel. If he's not too busy already" she huffed turning to walk away from me.

His hand was on her waist. Her bruised waist. I'm not watching this shit.

I trailed my way over to the opposite side of the room to be greeted by my favourite pain in the ass. Will. "What do you want?" I retorted before he could speak.

"What's up with you?" He stood beside me at the back wall.

"Why'd I tell you?" I spat back taking a long swig of my drink.

"Because I know it's about Piper." He had a point. It certainly was. "And I know her better than anyone, so hit me"

Was I really about to tell a guy I didn't even like if I'm being completely honest.

Yes, yes I was.

"I actually started to believe she didn't hate me, no matter how many times she said it." I sat the now empty bottle on the table beside me, "although maybe I'm the idiot after all because clearly she's toying with me"

"What? Let me get this straight. You think she hates you" he laughed.

This was a mistake.

"She's only told me she does about 10 times"

He nodded at this, "She has a habit of doing that" I raised a brow at this sentence. "Lying to get away from something" I turned to face him, egging him to continue, "Piper thought you were a bad person,"

"I am"

"Yes, well that would be why she didn't want to like you, because you weren't the nicest to her at first. Because you were a dick. So in a Piper fashion she told you what you needed to hear to stop it."

After Dark • Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now