Peter and Piper

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Pipers POV;

I sat there, head in my hands while Tris and Four ran to my aid, I didn't want it. I wanted Peter.

I couldn't bare to look at him, I couldn't watch him die. I refuse to watch him die. Shit, I loved him, I loved him so much more than I anticipated.

When he first showed the tiniest bit of compassion, he wiped toothpaste from my lip, I was taken aback, sure he'd done it to pester me, to fluster me and yet it felt sincere.

When he warned me about Riley, then beat him up and got him kicked.

He'd saved me from Drew.

He'd killed for me.

He joined me in my simulations, my most vulnerable state.

But the thing I loved most was when he said he loved me and I was too late. Too damn late.

"God, I love you so much" I leaned down to hug him, squeezing as tight as I can.

"Ouch" my eyes flew open and I sat up, there he lay, eyes open, grimacing, "I've been shot remember" he got himself up on his elbows.

I couldn't speak. Was I hallucinating?

"And for the record, I already knew that" he smiled, Four grabbing his hand, to pull him up. I watched him stand slowly, grunting in pain as he did. He stood pulling his shirt up to show Four.

"It's not in there very deep, I can quite literally see the bullet" Tris added, "must've been because it caught you mid movement I guess"

I stood up slowly, facing him, in front of me. He stared at me, smile plastered on his face.

I stalked up quickly, Four and Tris moving aside and I lifted my hand and slapped him as hard as I could "what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled.

His hand rubbed his jaw and he laughed.


"Piper, if I didn't go down she would've shot again, I couldn't have her hitting you" all I saw was red.

"You're telling me, the entire time she stood over there, fighting with Tris you sat and listened to me sob and didn't even, I don't know, open a damn eye!" I threw my arms in the air.

He gave me a wary nod.

"Wait" Tris added, "are you two, together?" It stopped me in my very angry tracks, Peter looking straight at Tris and not me.


He was going to deny deny deny.

I turned my body slightly to avoid the awkward eye contact I'd get from all three of them, the pity.

"Yes" Peter answered confidently, quickly.

My head spun back to him.

He told her, he admitted to someone, other than me that he cared. That he and I weren't strangers or rivals. That we were together. He gave me a wink afterwards.

"I hate you" I spoke, knowing it was far from true, but that was our thing right?

He laughed, stumbling toward me, I held him up by his fore arms as he cringed at the pain, and yet he looked happy, for someone who'd just been shot.

"I love you too" he whispered lips inches from mine.

His hands lifted to my face, pulling me toward him and into a kiss, in front of Tris and Four. It was caring and soft. It was loving. When he pulled away the anger slid away.

After Dark • Peter HayesWhere stories live. Discover now