War of hearts

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Pipers POV;

"Fuck Piper I did it because I fucking love you"

I felt my lips part after he spoke, involuntarily, from shock if anything. Peter Hayes has stood in front of me and told me he loves me. Peter Hayes.

I went to speak but nothing came out. Part of me knew I should return his affection but I was scared. Terrified even. God, how many times has he hung me out to dry, told me to leave, avoided me. I can't admit how I feel just for him to do it again.

I won't.

His eyes scanned my face for any sort of reaction. He began looking more worried by the second.

"Shit-" he muttered dropping his head. "You know what?" He spoke to himself while removing his hands from the wall, walking towards the couch he continued, "you don't need to feel the same, hell I'd be worried if you did" my heart fell at his words and I went to talk but he, "but," he stood in front of the couch turning back to face me, "don't mistake that for being something I didn't mean, because I meant it" he confirmed staring at me from across the room.

I started walking towards him, he watched as I did. "Peter" I started stopping inches from him.

"No, don't pretend to feel the same" his words stung a little. Did he really think it was impossible for me to love him?

"What? I-"

"No, it's very clear the feeling isn't mutual so-" I didn't let him finish, instead I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. The first one in what felt like forever and yet it felt so right. As though his lips were the match made for mine.

He didn't take long to start kissing me back, a second or two, I'd hoped that was from shock but all I wanted to do was kiss him. Love him.

His hands quickly found my hips. My bare hips. Allowing me to remember that he in fact tore my top in two not so long ago, I broke the connection slightly hearing his heavy breathing did something to me, something it shouldn't have, "this isn't fair you know" I kissed him again, grabbing the top of his top to pull him as close to me as physically possible. He hummed in a questioning tone against my mouth, I pulled back once more, "you ripped my top in two and here you stand still wearing yours" I had giggled slightly. He pulled me back to him in a sense of urgency.

His hands felt like velvet roaming my waist and hips. I fit him like a glove. Or at least that's how poetic it felt.

"Then rip mine off me" he smirked before kissing me again. His hands slowly climbing up my sides. It reminded me of earlier, the way he was touching me as little as possible. Deliberately trying to avoid contact and now he held me like his life depended on it.

His previous words set alight to me. I forcefully pulled back from him taking in the dissatisfaction on his face and smiling myself. I pushed his torso so he fell back on the couch. He smirked up at me this time. I pulled myself on top of him one leg on either side of his.

My hands reached for his T-shirt pulling it up and off his body as quick as my hands would allow me to do so. Eyes stuck on him. His shoulders. I loved his shoulders, the muscles, the width, everything.

His chest and torso were next to be taken in. My hand reaching out to touch just between his collar bones, running over the cold metal of a necklace he'd been wearing, a dog tag style with his name etched upon it, running a finger down the middle of his pecks slowly as I watched his head fall back on the couch cushion, "you really like couch's Hm?" His voice was deep and groggy. I hummed a small 'Mhm' too focused on where my hand was. I knew he'd lifted his head again and felt his eyes burn into me.

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