Chapter 8

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Flashbacked before Shu and (Y/N) arrive to the woods.

Shu changed his clothes to vampire colthes after he wore a normal clothes. (Y/N) also ready to go to the woods and save her bestie.

"Shu, are you done?" (Y/N) was waiting for him at the main room. Shu done wore it as he went downstairs with the speed power.

"Yeah, I'm done. Let's go. And one more thing (Y/N)." Before they went out, (Y/N) glances at him confused.

"What is it?"

"When we arrived at the woods, make sure your friend avoided the werewolf and find the shelter for you and your friend, got it." He said in serious tone and he want to make sure (Y/N) will save.

"Got it."
Back to present

The blue werewolf and albino vampire were glaring for each other. (Y/N) and Shasa were hiding at the bush, or maybe shelter as Shu give (Y/N) permission to hide.

"So, the blue werewolf is here, huh. I see you came here for search your mate." Shu hardened his faced at the blue wolf. Valt growled angrily at the vampire as his paw show the claw to attack him. Shu noticed.

"Alright then, let's fight, werewolf!" Valt growled again. He then ran to Shu as he scratched his claw to Shu. He dodged it as Shu used his flames power at Valt.

"Take this!!" Shu then threw the flames shot at Valt. The blue wolf avoided the flames. Shu gritted teeth as he continued attack the wolf.

(Y/N) and Shasa stared at it in horror and saw the battle between Valt and Shu at the middle of the woods. Shasa feel bad for Valt. (Y/N) comforted her and calmed her down.

"It's ok, Shasa. I hope they'll stopped the battle." Shasa eyes widened, she don't want someone were fighting or arguement.

" would we stop them?" (Y/N) keep silent and don't know how to stop those creatures.

"I don't know...." She feel bad about that. Back to werewolf and vampire, Shu had many scratched wolf claws while Valt feel weak after Shu shot the fire power at him.

"Heh, you got stronger than ever. Well, how about this one!!" Shu used his axe spirit and was about to swings at Valt. Until.......

The other werewolf was pushed Shu away from Valt very strong. Shu got shoved away as he hitted the tree and groaned in pain. (Y/N) and Shasa eyes widened, (Y/N) gasped.

"Shu!!!" The werewolf, who saved was a female. The wolf furred is silver white and her eyes were emerald colour. Valt feel relieves that his cousin saved him. Shu get up and hissed in pained. The wolves was about to leave as Shu words stopped them.

"Wait, you werewolves!! I'm not done yet!! You pay for that and never came here again!!!" Valt's blue eyes glowed and glared at him as he growled madly. The silver white wolf stopped Valt from the fighting. Then, two wolves leave them alone.

Shu breath heavily as he almost unconsious on the ground. (Y/N) noticed to see Shu feel weak from the fighted.

"Shu!!!" (Y/N) then approched to Shu and kneel down at him. Shasa already left after she said to (Y/N) that she need to go back to her house. (Y/N) let her be as she left.

"Shu, are you ok?!" Shu feel pained and many wolf claws at his back. His cape also ripped. Shu slowly opened his eyes and glances at (Y/N) and smiled.

"I'm ok. Just.... I'm just feel so weak and.....loosed to much blood." It makes (Y/N) feel so worried as she thinking....... She had an idea. (Y/N) needs to give her blood to Shu. (Y/N) then unbuttoned her shirts and show her neck to him.

"Here, Shu. Drink my blood!!" Shu look at her neck, his heart's beating fast as he breath heavily. He don't want to hurt her, (Y/N) didn't mind.

Shu calmed down, he get up and came closer to (Y/N) and hugged her to calm down. She tilted her head to give him to bites and suck the bloods. Shu leaned the neck as he licked it to numb her body. After that, he opened his mouth, showed his fangs and dig into her neck as he sucks her blood.

"Aah!!" (Y/N) yelped in pained at Shu's sharp fangs. He moaned while drinking. Her body feel numbed. Shu snapped from the thought, he don't want to drink her blood so much as he let go of his fangs from her neck.

He look at her neck.... the bloods were dribbling, he licked the neck for healed and disappeared the two holes. After that, (Y/N) almost fainted, Shu caught it as she suddenly fell asleep after he drank her blood. Shu smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you, (Y/N). Let me send you to your house." He carried her in bridal style and used speed power to her house.
At (Y/N)' house

Shu went to her room as he laid her down to the bed and covered her body with the blanket. Shu look at her angelic faced, he blushed at her beautiful facedm reminded it of his first lover. Shu smiled softly as he kissed her lip slowly and let go.

"Good night, (N/N)." He looks at the white bunny also slept. Shu kissed Snowy at its small head.

"Good night, Snowy." With that, he went out and vlosed the door slowly. He used his teleport power and send him to his creepy house.
With two werewolves

Valt was turn back into human self after the fighted. The female werewolf also turning back into a human. She was........ Ume. She is also known Valt's cousin.

"Hey, Ume. Thank you for saving me." Ume glances at her cousin and scoffed.

"Yeah, whatever. I told you to not bring your mate in the woods. And look...... the blood-sucker is now attacking you. You lucky that I saved you before it's too late." Ume said something sassy. Valt chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, and by the way. Why're you bullied (Y/N)? Y'know she is Shasa's best friend." Ume glared at him with her emerald eyes glowed.

"It's none of your business, wolfy!! Hmph, I'm going now. See ya." With that, she left. Valt sighed, he is now at his room, Ume went out from the window and quitely to not let his parents wake up from the noised.

"Well, time to sleep and clear my mind from that evil blood-sucker." He wear his pyjamas as he lay down on his bed and sleep. He had a daydreaming about him and Shasa.

"I wish Shasa and I lived together for our lives." He keep mumbled when he slept.
The next day

Shasa the only one who went to school, except for (Y/N). She didn't came to school because she need some rest after the incident last night. Shasa worried at her.

"Hey, Shasa. Did you know why (Y/N) didn't came to the school?" Kiko asked the bluenette girl. Shasa don't want to broke the secret or else.....

"(Y/N) didn't came because she sick today. That's why." Kiko nodded and smiled a little.

"I see. Thanks for that." She then went back to her seat. Valt then came in the clase with the nervous look. He don't know what to said after the incident happened last night. He then went to his seat.

"Hey, Shasa. How are you?" Valt greeted. Shasa turned to look at him and smiled.

"I'm good, and you?"

"Same." With that, two of them started chatting. Kiko look at them and smiled. She really wish if she had a boyfriend. To be honest, she is singled and never had a boyfriend ever since she become popular, but not anymore.

Then, the teacher came in class and do it as usual.
With Ume

She was sitting on her seat and look at outside of the window. She remembered yesterday that she saw...... (Y/N) was hiding on the bushes with her bestie. Ume still thinking... how she met with the vampire.

'(Y/N) (L/N), since when you know about vampire, and that albino boy.' She thought. Two girls, Miku and Saya, look at Ume with the confused look. Ume didn't ready to tell them about her indentity. Two of them scared of werewolf, that's why Ume keep te secret.


Done!! It took 2 days I'm update this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

See you soon, dear readers!!   

~Creature of the night~ {🧛Vampire Shu Kurenai x 👩Reader}Where stories live. Discover now