Chapter 13

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Ok, before I start on this chapter...I... totally forgot about reader's bullies. *sweatdrop* So this chapter is about Miku and Saya want to find out about Ume's secret. UwU.

Shu: Wait, are sure about this. What about me?

Me: Calm down, albino. When I write for 2 chapters, I almost forgot about their character, except for Kiko. 😅

Shu: *rolled his eyes* Yeah, yeah. Please continued. -_-

Me: Fine, fine.

All: Onto the story!!!


At Ume's house

Her house beside Aoi's household because Ume's parents were on their work and didn't have to spend time witn her.

Inside of her house, Ume was watching a TV and the house was not messing but to many rubbish on the floor with many chips.

"(sighed) So boring. I don't know what to do after THAT slut was having fun with that blood-sucker." Ume said annoyed tone and sassy thing.

"Well, should I asked my friends to come here or not?" Ume hummed and thinking. Until, someone knocked the door from the outside.

Ume groaned lazily as she stood up, went to the door and opened it and saw........ her friends, Miku and Saya. Two girls brought a foods on the paper bag.

"Hi, Ume!! We brought you the foods." Miku smiled and so do Saya. Ume sighed and nodded.

"Thanks, girls. Come inside." Then, they entered her house. Saya put the foods on the table. Miku also put it.

"Alright, let's eat Ume." Ume rolled her eyes as the girls eatbthe lunch. When they were eating, Miku and Saya need to know about Ume's secret.
On night time

Ume let them stay in her house. Miku and Saya sleep at the guest room for them sleep.

Ume sighed, she also need to get out and went to the woods before the full moon is coming on 5 minutes. Without thinking, Ume went out, close the door slowly and rushed to the woods.

Miku heard the door close, which mean Ume is already went out.

"Hey, Saya. Let's go to the wood and see what Ume's doing." Saya nodded as the girls get up and went to the woods.


On the woods, Miku was feel goosebumps at the owl's sound while Saya scared of the dark, including went inside the woods.

"H-Hey, a-are w-we t-there y-yet?" Saya asked, shivered realky hard because the woods was very dark.

"N-Not yet, Saya. Please be patient." Miku siad shakily and heard the owl hoots sound as Miku flinched at it sound until......

Two girls heard a girl was screaming in the woods very loud, which mean they were getting closer to find Ume. Two girls then hurried to that screaming.

With Ume, her body feel pained very much, unlike before, and screamed from the transformation. Her arms were growing into a fur and the fingers became sharp.

Her body was adjusting. Miku and Saya were hiding behind the tree and saw everything. Their friend, their leader, was a werewolf.

Ume's teeth grew sharper as her body grew the fur and the tail. Her face became longer into a snout, her ears was growing as her eyes glowing.

Miku and Saya started at it in horror and saw her transformation is completed. Ume then howled through the moon. Then, Ume feel someone was watching her all the time.

Miku and Saya noticed that Ume was looking for someone, then, two of them ran away with the fear look. Ume heard someone run as she chased them.

Saya run and run again with their own speed and so do Miku. As they ran, Ume was now in front of them with the fierce face and growled at them. 

Two girls was fell and shocked how fast she is. Ume then approched to Miku, she back away and hitted to the tree.

"P-Please, Ume. D-Don't harm me. I-I promised to not to tell a-anyone." Miku begged to Ume. She went closer to Miku and then......Ume just licked her cheeks.

Saya stared at it surprised that Ume didn't bite or hurt Miku. Miku giggled at Ume's reaction as she patted her head.

"Hehehehe, who's a good girl." Ume barked, but inside she feels annoying like she was her pet. Saya sweatdrop at them.

"Hey, Miku. Let's go back to Ume's house." Miku sighed heavily.

"Yeah, yeah. Well, I better go now. See ya." With that, two of them run away. Ume just stared at them with the guilt look.

She know that she's hiding her indentity. Ume will tell them the truth after she turn back into human self.
The next day

After the incident happen, Miku and Saya were sitting on the couch for waiting Ume come. Then, Ume went to downstairs with the nervous look as she sat on the couch.

"Hey, girls.... I'm sorry that I keep my secret from you all. I just don't want you two to hate me that I'm a werewolf." Ume explained. Saya and Miku look at each other and smiled.

"It's ok, Ume. We forgive you."

"Yeah, we're friends after all." Ume was sighed relief as she hug them tightly.

"Thank you." Two of them hugged her back with the big smiled. She let go from the hug and then...,grinned evilly.

"Well, ever since you two know about my indentity, how about we gonna destroyed (Y/N)'s life. What do you two say?" Two girls smirked at her and nodded.

"Of course we want." Three of them laughed evilly and Ume was keep her plan to kill (Y/N). Little did Ume know that a certain bluenette heard everything from the outside.

He frowned and feel so angry that she want to kill (Y/N). He then left and went inside of his house.
At Shu's house

"AACHOOO!!!!!" You sneezed while read the book on the couch. Shu heard you sneeze.

"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" You smiled at him.

"Yeah, I'm ok." Shu sighed and continued do his own work. You sighed and feel bad what's going on.

'Why do I feel...someone calling my name.' You shook your head and continued read.



Shu: Well, finally. When the next chapter?

Me: You know it soon.

All: See you soonm dear readers!!!

~Creature of the night~ {🧛Vampire Shu Kurenai x 👩Reader}Where stories live. Discover now