Chapter 11

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"Shu, are you ok?!" The albino didn't respond, only drink her blood from her hand until......


Until, Shu get up with his eyes glowed red and glances at (Y/N). Shu stared at her with the soften look. He know that his body was weak, but he still need to drink the blood again.

(Y/N) was shivered at his reaction as she backed off. Shu stood up and came to her slowly.

"Don't scared of me, I'm not gonna kill you." His voice was dark, yet kind tone. (Y/N) still backing off as she hitted to the wall. Shu then pinned her on the wall and not let her escape.

"Hey, (N/N). Why're you scared at me?" Shu was came vloser to her face as (Y/N) closed her eyes and look away.

" a-acting w-weird." Shu frowned, he used one hand and cupped her face with the sad smiled.

"Don't worry, it's not like what you think. It's just......I don't want you to get hurt after you give me a blood." Shu said, (Y/N) glances at him, blushed.

"W-Well, I-I'm j-just w-want t-to make s-sure y-you w-were ok." She stuttered. Shu was surprised at her words. He smiled as he wrappe his arms around her still sitting on the floor.

"Thanks for that, I'm ok and you don't have to worry abour me." (Y/N) shocked, then she slowly hug him back.

"I-I'm hungry, (N/N). Can I have a some your blood?" (Y/N) blushed and nodded.

"O-Of course you can, but... please be gentle." Shu had a small smiled and nodded.

"I will." Just then, Shu gently bit the sweet spot and drink the blood as (Y/N) hissed in pained at his sharp fangs. She patted his back to calned down.

A few minutes later, he let go from her neck and licked it for healed. (Y/N) feel dizzy from losing to much blood as Shu carried her in bridal style.

"Let me take you to your house." (Y/N) nodded, Shu had his energy back and that burn is healed.

Then, he used teleport power and went to it to send (Y/N) home.
At her house

As he and (Y/N) went out from the portal, Shu went inside of her house and quickly go to her bedroom for her sleep.

As he went in her bedroom, Shu puts (Y/N) on the bed and not let her awake. After that, he stared at (h/c) haired female, smile at his face as he kissed her forehead.

"Sleep well, (N/N). And you too, Snowy." With that, he used teleport power back and went it to go back to his house.


At his house

He finally arrived to his house and the portal was now closed after he went out.

Shu then went inside of his house feel tired from using to much power and like 4 hours he used.

"(sighed) I guess I need to get some sleep." Shu went to his bedroom and sleep from the exhausted.

His dream

Shu was looking around, there are many bloods on the floors and his body was covered with the blood.

His eyes widened, he never hurt human, except for animal. He walked around until.......

He saw the male with........ (h/c) haired female on the floor and the male was smirking. That male was....... himself.

Shu can't believ in his eyes as himself bites her neck harshly as he stared at it in horror. He want to stop him, but his body can't move.

~Creature of the night~ {🧛Vampire Shu Kurenai x 👩Reader}Where stories live. Discover now