Chapter 5

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It Aarushi POV

After dinner, I  cleaned the kitchen and went to give a glass of buttermilk to Abhi Uncle as he had a habit of drinking it before sleeping. 

When I went to their bedroom and noticed Jhanu Aunty was already asleep whereas Abhi Uncle was talking over the phone. As soon as he noticed me, he handed me his phone. He informed me that Ishita was on the call. I felt so happy as it had been many days, I talked with her. I talked with her for some time and then walked to our bedroom.

Like every night, Rithwik was waiting for me. He was sitting, leaning on the headboard of the bed. He looked upset. Slowly I walked toward him. 

" You are becoming careless nowadays. Is this time to sleep! " he asked with a serious expression on his face.

" Ri… you knew…how is the situation in our home! Aunty became so dull and Uncle is still worried about Ishita. Most importantly they both were not talking properly with each other. So it's our responsibility to take care of them…" I said.

He gently pulled me onto his lap and said, " What about my baby! If you don't take proper diet and proper rest then it will affect the baby growing in you"

" I am taking proper care. No need to worry…" I replied, placing my head on his chest.

" Aaru….May we didn't plan this baby but still I love this baby more than anything in this world. It is a symbol of our love…" he whispered, combing my hair with his fingers.

I raised my head and looked into his eyes. I witnessed his love and adoration for our baby. It was a different emotion in his eyes that I had never seen. He leaned closer to my face. He captured my lips and started kissing me, placing his hands on both sides of my neck. I kissed him back as I slowly melted in his touch, closing my eyes. We were pouring our love for each other in the form of KISS.

We parted away our lips when we started breathing heavily. He touched his forehead with mine and whispered, " I love you" His lips brushed with my lips.

" Rith….I want to talk with you…" I said all of a sudden. Instantly he moved an inch back and looked at me.

" Do we have to go for your health check-up ! " he asked me, cupping my face. I nodded my head as No and said, " It's about Ishu… " 

" I talked with her before going to this room. Her voice was dull. " I added.

" What happened? Is there any problem at her workplace? " he questioned me.

" I want to see her. Why can't we go and meet her for once! Please…" I requested.

" If you want to go and meet her then go and meet her. But I can't show my face to her. Firstly I am so guilty that I could not find where Rishab is till now. And also I don't want her to remind her of the injuries that happened to her heart" he expressed sincerely to me.

" Please….search Rishab as soon as possible. I heard that Nandan Uncle searched for a perfect match for Ishita. Do something before it is too late…" I begged him. 

" I want Ishita and Rishab together. Do something. They both are the reason for our togetherness. We must do something to make them one…" I said while tears streaming down my cheeks.

" I am doing my best….Aaru… Try to understand…" he said, hugging me to his chest.

" Don't think about all these things and stress yourself during pregnancy. I also need to think about mom and dad. Mom wants him to be back whereas Dad is angry at Rishab " he said.

" So… even if we find Rishab, can't he stay with us! " I doubted.

He smiled weakly and said, " Don't worry. Poorni Baddi Ma and Vinay Badde papa are going to come tomorrow. Hope they will convince dad to search Rishab. My last hope is Vinay Badde papa only because he is dad's best friend?" he said.

(Note: Poorni is Jhanavi's elder sister. Vinay is Abhi's college best friend. )

" I prayed to God that our family would be happy again like always…" he added.

" I also wish the same before our baby comes out in this world. " I said while yawning.

" Sweetheart…. Let's sleep…'' he informed me. I stood up from his lap and went to the other side of the bed. As soon as I lay on the bed, he turned off the lights in the room. He pulled me onto his chest and then covered us with the blanket.

" Now, I can sleep peacefully being you in my arms " he kissed my forehead and placed his palm on my small baby bump.

" Good night…." He whispered in my ears and closed his eyes. As he was tired of his company work, he slept within a few minutes. But all I was thinking about is Ishita and Rishab.

I experienced how painful it is to stay away from each other. And also why Ishita is staying away from this family. I wanted to meet her and wanted to know 

What is she thinking about her future? 

Does she move on in her life?

Thinking about all these things I drifted to sleep.


The next morning, when I opened my eyes, I didn't find Rithwik on the bed. My eyes widened when I checked the time. It was Half past eight in the morning. Then I noticed Rithwik getting ready for the office. 

" Good morning, Sweetheart…" he greeted walking towards the bed.

" Why didn't you wake me? Huh? What do aunty and Uncle think of me? " I pouted.

" I don't want to disturb you during this time. Mom told me that during pregnancy morning sickness is common. She was only informed not to wake up when you are sound asleep " he reasoned.

I stood up from the bed with a serious face as I didn't know how to understand my caring husband.  I wanted to finish my morning chores quickly and went to the bathroom. 


When I reached the dining hall, I found Jhanu Aunty serving breakfast to Uncle, Rithwik, and Manasi. 

" Good morning, dear. " Aunty greeted me.

" I am sorry for being late…" I apologized.

" It's okay. I can understand. First, have your breakfast, it's not good to eat late during pregnancy…" Jhanu Aunty said and served me the breakfast on the plate.

" Aunty…. I want to go to Mumbai along with Manasi. I want to meet Ishita…" I asked hesitantly then looked at Abhi Uncle.

" No… " Uncle said and stood up from the chair.

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