Chapter 28

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Hi readers

Don't forget to vote 70+ this time as last time you didn't reach the target.

Hope you enjoy this chapter. And most of the readers get the answers for the questions in the mind.

Dedicated this chapter for all my readers who supporting with your votes and comments....


Ishita POV

Finally, I returned with my dad to the apartment. 

Dad didn't speak to me while we were heading back to the apartment. I have never seen him so furious in my life. 

Once we entered inside, I started walking in the direction of my bedroom. Because I really don't know what to answer if dad asks me why I still keep the nuptial chain with me. I felt so restless thinking of it.

Just when I turned the knob of the door to open, I heard my dad's voice.

" Ishita…."

"Wait…. I want to talk with you…." My dad said.

I turned to him, lowering my face. I was feeling so embarrassed to talk with him after what happened in the hospital.

He gently placed his hand on my head and said, " I am not the person to force you to marry someone you don't like. If you don't like Rajeev Kapoor then it is okay for me "

I raised my head and stared at him silently.

" Once I made a grave mistake by choosing the wrong person for you. This time, I won't repeat the same mistake. I can't witness my daughter's tears,  "he explained. I could see so many emotions in his eyes when he was talking.

" Dad …. Whatever happened in my life, it's not your fault. It was written in my destiny. I know you love me so much…" I told him as  I could see him guilty.

Dad embraced me into his arms and said, " Dear…. Forgive your father. " 

" Today whatever happened in the hospital was because of my mistake.  I will never forgive that family for humiliating you. I will teach a good lesson, " He said in a serious tone.

Instantly, I stepped back from him and looked at his serious face.

" Dad… Abhi Uncle and Jhanu Aunty are very good people. Already they are so upset because of Maanu's accident and hospitalisation. Moreover, they have been your good friends for years. Please don't think of hurting them even in your dreams…" I pleaded.

" You are so naive and innocent …Ishu. That's why Jhanu was trying to reconcile you with his criminal son …" Dad retorted.

"Jhanu…Aunty… is not that kind of person. I knew about her very well. She loves me as much as she loves Maanu…." I argued.

" So …. You're telling me that your Jhanu Aunty loves you more than your father ! Huh" Dad screamed.

" No ... .dad …. You are misunderstanding my words. I am trying to say that the day I went to their home as a daughter in law, she supported me, loved me just like mom ...." I reasoned.

" Ishu…. Enough. Not one more word about them. I don't want you to talk about that family from now on…" he said strictly.

" And I don't want you to see that nuptial chain around your neck from now on. I want you to break all ties with that family …." He added.

I was shocked to hear those words from my dad's mouth as he always gives value to the marriage and rituals. I stood in the place looking at him with disbelief with what I heard. 

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