Chapter 2:

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March 30:

Today I have a meeting with Maggie and her team. Im really excited for this meeting. I sent the location to Maggie where we're gonna meet up. I quickly hopped in the shower and changed into something comfy but presentable *swipe to see*. Im really excited for this. Maggie would be my 2nd client. PRETTYMUCH was the only one I've been a tour manager for. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing working with them but it's time to do it for another artists.

I did a basic makeup look *swipe to see* and put my hair in a ponytail with curled ends *swipe to see*. After a while, I got my things together and drove to the location.

A few minutes later.

I finally got to the location and saw that they arrived at the same time as me. We all greeted each other and went to our table. We ordered our food and drinks. In a matter of seconds, we started talking about tour.

Two hours later.

We finally finished talking about tour and we paid the bill.

Y/N: alright so I'll start heading to different venue for tour
...: please let us know if you need help with anything
Y/N: of course I'll let you guys know or Maggie
Maggie: I'm so happy we get to work together
...: I know you won't let us down
...: of course not she the best in this business
...: are you sure you're okay with working with us?
Y/N: I'm honored to be working with you guys and I don't think my other clients are gonna have a problem
...: great I'll be in touch if we need something changed
Y/N: my phone will always be with me whenever
...: we'll see you soon
Y/N: of course
*they left*
Maggie: and I'll see you in a few hours
Y/N: for what?
Maggie: to go to the party I was thinking of getting ready at your place
Y/N: oh of course I'll be home in 2 hours got to go look for an outfit
Maggie: ohh I'll go with you
Y/N: what about your car?
Maggie: can I leave it at your place?
Y/N: yeah let's go

A few minutes later.

We left her car at my place and headed out to rodeo drive to look for an outfit. As we got there, we both got a call from our boyfriends.

Y/N: oh that's strange let me guess Brandon is calling you
Maggie: and I'm guessing Nick is calling you
Y/N: yeah that's weird
Maggie: let's see what they want
*you both answered the call*

hey baby what's up?

just wanted to see what you're doing?

oh im with Maggie looking for
an outfit for tonight

need me to send you money so
you can get something

I appreciate it but I'm good

have you ate something yet?

we just finished eating just an
hour ago

*you felt a buzz & saw that he sent you $100*

Nick you didn't need to sent
me money

but I wanted to so buy something nice

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