Chapter 5

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I walked to the side to answer the call. I saw that it was the label. They were mostly calling to get an update for Maggie's tour and PRETTYMUCH's tour.

A few minutes later.

I ended the call and went back to Corbyn. We talked a little more with fans and paparazzi. After a while, we said our goodbyes and got in Corbyn's car. I saw that we weren't going towards my house but the opposite way.

Y/N: my house is one the other side of the city
Corbyn: I know
Y/N: are you trying to kidnap me? If you are can it wait?
*you both giggled*
Corbyn: no I'm not kidnapping you
Y/N: then where are we going?
Corbyn: well we haven't done this in a while
*he parks his car & you see the ocean*
Y/N: I was at the beach not too long ago
*he gets down & opens the back*
Corbyn: no I mean me and you haven't done this together in a while
*he gets out two pillows & a blanket*
Y/N: which is?
Corbyn: stargazing
Y/N: oh gosh
Corbyn: come on

November 22:

Corbyn and I ended last night with stargazing at the beach. When we were younger, we would watch the stars together. It was amazing. We planned on hanging out again but with his family.

Right now I'm on way to a meeting with Maggie's team. I have to fly out early to make sure everything is ready for her show. I'm leaving at night. It's barely 7 in the morning and I didn't have time to pack last night due to hanging out with Corbyn.

A few hours later.

I finished with the meeting and now I'm packing for the trip. I made sure to pack my work supplies first. I'm packing enough outfits for trip. I had music playing all over the house. I was gonna change the music when my phone started to ring and sure enough it was Nick.


are you home?

yeah just finishing with packing

where you going?

oh uhm I leave early for the tour

Nick: I thought you all leave together

we're suppose to but there's
some things I had to get ready
for the show

when are you coming back?

probably by new year's

*you guys stayed quiet for a bit*

I miss you

yeah me too

when are you coming back?

well if you're not gonna be in LA
until New Years then I'll be back
at that time

will I see you at the New Jersey

I don't know

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