Chapter 8

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3 hours later.

We finished eating and we emptied out the wine bottle. All night Lera was all up on Corbyn or she would Interrupt my conversation with Ashley or Corbyn and honestly it was kinda annoying.

Saskia: so tell us Y/N any man in your life?
Corbyn: mom you sh-
Y/N: no it's fine Corbyn uhm I just ended my relationship
Saskia: oh my god Y/N I'm sorry I asked
Ashley: can we know why?
Y/N: just that the connection we had wasn't there anymore
Ray: we're sorry to hear that
Jordan: any man would be lucky to have you
*he hugs you as he winks to Corbyn*
Corbyn: and know that we're here for you
*they hug you*
Lera: why don't we eat dessert?
Ashley: oh I'll bring it out
*she looks at you*
Ashley: Y/N want to help me out here?
Y/N: uhm sure
*you walked with her to the kitchen*
Ashley: im sorry about Lera
*she brings out the desert*
Y/N: has she act like that?
Ashley: never this is the first time
Y/N: oh well you shouldn't say sorry for her
Ashley: I know I just don't know why she's like this
Y/N: yeah but there isn't anything we can do so
*you both smiled*
Ashley: im just glad you're back in our life Y/N I've missed you so much
*she hugs you*
Y/N: same here Ash I needed my little sister
Ashley: and I needed my big sister
*you both pulled away*
Y/N: never again are we going to be separate
Ashley: never
Y/N: you remember our handshake?
Ashley: of course not it's the only thing that minds me of you
Y/N: prove it
*you both did your handshake as Jordan walks in*
Jordan: I thought y'all would forget it
Both: never
Jordan: well since y'all were taking forever to bring dessert out I thought I'll help
*you cut the pie & Ashley hands you plates & Jordan puts them on a tray*
Jordan: I've always wonder did you ever told Corbyn about what happened to you?
Y/N: oh uhm no I couldn't bring it up
Ashley: wait so he doesn't know?
Y/N: no and I would love to keep it between us
Jordan: well are you ever gonna tell him?
Y/N: I don't know I really regret doing it but I had to
Jordan: he's gonna find out soon with his fans they'll do investigations towards you and see what you've done
Y/N: I just hope they don't find out
Jordan: well if you want I'll be there with you whenever you're ready to tell him
*he gives you a side hug*
Y/N: thanks J
Ashley: hey don't forget me
Y/N: I know you guys will always be with me
*you did a side hug as they rest their head on you*
Y/N: alright let's give it to them

Two hours later.

It was already gonna be 2 in the morning and I decided to go home. I ordered an Uber so I can go.

*your phone dings*
Y/N: alright it's time for me to go
Ray: why don't you stay for the night?
Y/N: I would love to but I have some remodeling to do and I'm doing the measurements in the morning
Corbyn: since I brought you here I have to drive you home
Y/N: it's okay my Uber just got here
*you both smiled at each other*
Lera: I think I should go too I have to open the store
*she looks at you*
Lera: let's walk out together
Y/N: okay uhm thank you guys for having me over for dinner it was amazing
*you hugged Ray*
Ray: you're welcome to come anytime
*you hugged Saskia*
Y/N: how about you guys come over at my house and I'll cook dinner
*Ashley hugs you*
Ashley: count me there
*Jordan hugs you*
Jordan: just send us the time and date and your address
Y/N: of course I have your guys' number and y'all have mine
Corbyn: her house is expensive
Lera: you've been to her house?
*she crosses her arms & looks at Corbyn*
Corbyn: yeah that's where I picked her up today
Lera: whatevers bye guys
*she smashes her lips on Corbyn as you guys were about to hug*
Lera: bye baby
Corbyn: bye
*Corbyn hugs you & you both smiled*
Corbyn: let me know when you get home
Y/N: I will

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