Chapter 9

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December 29:

I woke up to the sound of my door closing. I got one of Nick's hoodie and walked out to see him walking towards the front door.

Y/N: Nick!
Nick: what?
Y/N: it's not what it looks like
*he turns to look at you but he had tears*
Nick: really? It looks like you moved on
Y/N: no I didn't Corbyn and his band mates came yesterday to help me with my office
Nick: oh sure and the boys didn't come since they were gonna help
Y/N: they did even ask them
Nick: whatevers
*he walks out*
Y/N: Nick! Don't act like this please
*he turns to look at you*
Y/N: Corbyn is in a relationship with someone else I won't do that and you know that
Nick: look I don't care if you want to move on you deserve to be happy
*he walks closer to you*
Nick: you mean everything to me and if I have to let you go to be with someone else then that's what I'll do
*he places his hand on your cheek*
Nick: but know I'll always be there for you
*a tear slips your eye & you pull him in for a hug*
Y/N: I'll always be there for you too Nick
*you guys pulled away*
Y/N: you want to see my in the process office?
*you cleared your face*
Nick: maybe when it's done but as of right now I'll see you at the meeting
Y/N: see you later
Nick: bye

I saw him leave with his stuff. It hurts to see this happen but it's for the best. I go back inside as soon as I see his car pull out. I see Jonah coming in the house as I clear my face.

Jonah: you okay? Did Corbyn punch you in his sleep?
*you chuckled*
Y/N: no uhm Nick stopped by to get his things
Jonah: ohh you okay?
*he pulls you into a hug*
Y/N: I will be
Jonah: I'm about to go get coffee and breakfast want to come with me?
Y/N: yeah just give me 30 minutes
Jonah: I'll be here waiting
Y/N: I won't take long

30 minutes later.

I changed in to comfy clothes *swipe to see* and put on a little bit of makeup *swipe to see* and fix my hair a little *swipe to see*. So far no one else has woken up. I walked downstairs to see that Jonah was on a call. I got my keys and went to wait for him in my car.

*he gets in as he hangs up*
Jonah: sorry that was my sisters
Y/N: no need to apologize
*you slowly pull out of the driveway*
Y/N: so are they here?
Jonah: my sisters?
*you nod*
Jonah: oh no my families were the only ones that didn't move to LA
Y/N: they're not fans of LA?
Jonah: they are they just don't want to leave everything behind

A few minutes later.

Jonah and I got to know about each other's family a bit during that drive. We ordered our food and the rest of the boys. As we were waiting, we decided to walk to Starbucks and get our coffees.

*you guys sat down at a table*
Y/N: so I learned about your family why don't you tell me something about yourself
Jonah: what do you want to know?
*he takes a sip*
Y/N: was being part of a man band your plan?
Jonah: honestly it wasn't but I'm actually happy that I get to do this with my 4 best friends
Y/N: so your plans that took a turn?
Jonah: yeah it did
*you both laugh*
Jonah: so was being a tour manager for your brother part of your plan?
Y/N: being a tour manager yes but being my brother's TM no
Jonah: have you ever been with someone else?
Y/N: yeah I just finished a tour with my brother's girlfriend
*you took a sip*
Y/N: who's your tour manager?
Jonah: that would be Daniel's brother
Y/N: let me guess he's the oldest
Jonah: woah crazy how you know that
Y/N: just a wild guess
Jonah: have you ever thought about being someone else's TM?
Y/N: I have
Jonah: like who?
Y/N: like Harry Styles, Billie Eilish, Selena Gomez, and Shawn Mendez
Jonah: I'm friends with Shawn Mendez
Y/N: wait really?
Jonah: we go way back
Y/N: wow look at you knowing celebrities
*you both laugh & took a sip*
Jonah: shall we get going the boys are gonna wake up soon
Y/N: yeah let's go

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