Chapter 3

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A few minutes later.

I was waiting for Maggie to finish using the restroom. I looked to the right and I saw a familiar face but I just shook it off. In a matter of seconds, Maggie comes out of the bathroom.

Y/N: it's about time
Maggie: well I was calling you to see if you can help me zip up my dress
Y/N: sorry I was zone out I didn't hear you
Maggie: its okay I managed to do it myself
Y/N: okay so let's go have fun

We went looking for the boys and saw that they were by the pool holding drinks. As we got closer to them, I bumped into someone.

Y/N: oh my god I'm so sorry
*you looked up*
...: no it's my fault I didn't look where I was going
Y/N: then that makes two of us
*you both giggled*
...: are you girls new in LA?
Maggie: we've been in LA for a few years now
...: how come I've never seen you girls around here?
Y/N: a friend wanted us to come
...: oh okay anyways I'm Daniel Seavey
*he shakes your hand*
Y/N: Y/N Arreaga and this is...
Maggie: Maggie Lindemann
*they shake hands*
Y/N: funny your name sounds so familiar
Maggie: oh yeah aren't you the one that was in American Idol?
Daniel: yeah I was
Y/N: anyways we should get back to our boyfriends
Daniel: oh who's your boyfriend?
Y/N: mines Nick Mara
Maggie: her brother is my boyfriend
Daniel: no way I know who Nick is wait so your friends with Edwin?
Y/N: yeah we are
*they come up to you guys*
Edwin: DANIEL!
*they did a handshake*
Daniel: what's up man?
Nick: so I see you met my girl Y/N
Daniel: yeah I did
Edwin: Daniel is also in a band
Y/N: oh that's nice maybe I can mange yo-
Brandon: different label
Y/N: oh what label do you guys work for?
Daniel: Atlantic Recorders
Y/N: oh the competition
Edwin: Y/N is our tour manager
Daniel: oh sick anyways it was nice seeing you guys again and meeting you girls but I got to go I've been here too long and my band mate is getting a bit drunk and we have a meeting in the morning
Maggie: it's was nice meeting you
Daniel: same here enjoy the party you'll have fun
*he walks away & Nick hands your drink*
Y/N: thank you baby
Nick: you're welcome
Y/N: so is Zion and Austin coming or what?
*Zion comes up to you guys*
Zion: you called
Edwin: Zion is here but Austin couldn't come because he's with his son
Y/N: I miss Theo
Zion: should we take shots?

A few hours later.

We danced so much throughout the night. I would dance with Nick and Maggie a lot. I love dancing. We were getting tired and hungry so we decided to leave the party and get something to eat. After a while, we got to my house with food and we all changed into comfy clothes.

Everytime the boys and Maggie come over they leave clothes behind since they mostly stay here a lot. We put a movie on and began to eat our food.

November 20:

Another day of arguing with Nick. Lately we've been arguing about mostly how we hardly make time for each other. I've been busy with Maggie's tour and organizing his tour dates as well. Maggie and I leave right after Thanksgiving to New York.

*you guys have been screaming at each other*
Y/N: well I'm sorry if I'm working
Nick: and I'm happy you have work but we hardly get to see each other and you're leaving in a few days
Y/N: I know Nick and you don't have to remind me every fucking time we have an argument
Nick: well lately it's been busy in your life that you can't even take a single second to talk to each other
Y/N: oh but when I do you decide to cancel on me to do something else
Nick: because that's the only time you want to do something
Y/N: it goes both ways Nick it's not just me
Nick: but you do it the most each fucking time
*you both calmed down*
Y/N: so what we're gonna have to make a schedule to hang out now?
Nick: maybe we should do that
Y/N: I don't even have time to make a schedule
Nick: then why would you suggest it
Y/N: you know what let's do it
*you pulled out your laptop & opened up the calendar*
Y/N: what day do you want to make time for each other?
Nick: what about Saturday?
Y/N: Saturday I'm all booked
Nick: Friday?
Y/N: I have meetings
Nick: Sunday?
Y/N: Dinner with Maggie's team
Nick: Monday?
Y/N: meting with you guys
Nick: Tuesday?
Y/N: Tuesday through Thursday I'm out of state visiting family
Nick: see we never have time for each other
*you both sighed*
Y/N: we've been arguing for months what's wrong with us?
Nick: that's just how relationships are we argue to have a better relationship
Y/N: arguments are supposed to be here and there not every fucking second Nick
*you sat down on your living room*
Nick: then what should we do?
Y/N: we should have a break
Nick: you're right let's go get ice cream or something
*he grabs his keys & opens the door*
Y/N: no a break from us Nick

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