Chapter 7

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December 25:

Last night was so much fun. Today we're heading to my parents' house. Nick, Maggie, Brandon and I are in the same car. Nick and I are in the front while Maggie and Brandon sit in the back. We decided to drive up together instead of driving in separate cars.

Nick: how much longer?
Y/N: like 30 minutes
Brandon: and by 30 she means 10 minutes
Nick: with the speed she be driving I agree
Maggie: oh come on guys at least she gets us without a scratch
Y/N: at least I'm better than Brandon on driving
Maggie/Nick; that's true
*you guys laugh besides Brandon*
Brandon: whatevers at least I drive normal

A few hours later.

We finally got to my parents house. We got our gifts to our family and Brandon unlocks the door. We noticed that they were all sleeping. We placed the presents under tree and Nick and I decided to get breakfast. We got in the car and headed to the nearest restaurant.

Nick: so what you get me for Christmas?
*he grabs your thigh as he's driving*
Y/N: well you got to wait until later
Nick: or when we're alone
Y/N: it's not that
Nick: oh come on
Y/N: sorry to disappoint
*you place your hand behind his neck*
Y/N: maybe next year
Nick: how about we do it early?
*he looks at you*
Y/N: eyes on the road

An hour later.

We finally came back to my parents house and set up everything. Right when we were done, we hear footsteps. We looked to see Halie coming out. We both ran towards each other since we haven't seen each other for a long time.

Y/N: Halieee!
*you guys hugged*
Halie: Y/NNNNN!
Y/N: I missed you so much
Halie: me too I've never been so far from you in a long time
Y/N: I know it's been 3 months
Halie: we can't do this again
*Brandon coughs*
Brandon: I guess y'all don't have a brother
*Halie turns to look at him & they hug*
Halie: well if you would call or text once in a while I wouldn't have
Y/N: he's just jealous
*your parents come out*
Gina: what's with a-
*she sees you guys*
Gina: ahh my babies are here
Chris: fancy see you guys here
Brandon: well it is Christmas
Y/N: like it or not we have to celebrate it with y'all *you guys hugged & they hugged Maggie & Nick*
Nick: we love visiting you guys during this time
Maggie: spending it with you guys feels like home
Gina: of course your families are across the world we got to make it like home
Nick: and we thank you guys for making that possible
*he hugs them*
Y/N: anyways we brought you guys breakfast
Gina: let us brush our teeth and we'll be back

Later that night.

We were all over the house. The guys were in the living room watching tv while us girls are outside talking. We did a bonfire and started to catch up.

Gina: so how's you and Nick doing?
Y/N: we're okay
Halie: see you guys worked it out
Y/N: yeah we can say
*they both looked at you confused*
Maggie: they really didn't talk
Halie: what do you mean?
Y/N: during our New Jersey show I went to go see Nick and we were gonna get food to talk about it but we ended doing it in the car
Gina: well have you brought it up since?
Y/N: I try but we just want to do it and I'm honestly quite tired of it
Maggie: I think you should sit down with him and let him know how you feel
Halie: have him listen to you why don't you do it when people are nearby
Y/N: I feel like it's not gonna end well
Gina: well no matter what happens we're always gonna support you
*you guys did a group hug*
Y/N: thank you guys
*you guys pulled away*
Halie: now let's go open presents
*you guys walked inside*
Gina: boys it's time to open gifts
Chris: let this game end
Y/N: oh come on dad you know I need my beauty sleep after opening gifts
Brandon: and where's all the beauty?
Y/N: oh shut up B you're just mad Halie and I got the looks and you didn't
Brandon: whatevers let's just open gifts

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